India. Saṃskr̥ti Mantrālaya
Reprinted under the authority of Govt. of India, Ministry of Culture and the directions of Surveyor General of India, through Western Printing Group, Survey of India with supplementary logistics from Viba Press c2018
東京国立博物館, 日本経済新聞社, BSジャパン編
日本経済新聞社 2015.3
Indian Museum 2014
Dept. of Culture, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India 1994-
pt. 2. 1994-95 , pt. 2. 1995-96 , pt. 2. 1996-97 , pt. 2. 1997-98 , pt. 2. 1998-99 , 1999-2000 , 2000-2001 , 2003-2004 , 2005-06 , 2007-08 , 2009-10