by Nora de Poorter and Frans Baudouin ; [translated form the Dutch by Jantien Black and Lee Preedy (Chapter V-VIII) ; edited by Arnout Balis, Brecht Vanoppen, Isabelle Van Tichelen, Marieke D'Hooghe and Joannes van den Maagdenberg ; Valerie Herremans (Images)]
Harvey Miller c2022 Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard pt. 22(2) . Architecture and sculpture
v. 2 Appendices & illustrations
v. 1 Text
by Katlijne van der Stighelen and Hans Vlieghe ; [translated from the Dutch by Beverley Jackson and Jantien Black ; edited by Isabelle van Tichelen]
Harvey Miller Publishers c2021 Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard pt. 19 . Portraits ; 3
by Reinhold Baumstark and Guy Delmarcel ; [edited by Arnout Balis, Isabelle Van Tichelen and Elizabeth McGrath ; translated by Kristin Lohse Belkin (text Reinhold Baumstark) and Jantien Black (text Guy Delmarcel)]
Harvey Miller c2019 Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard pt. 13 . Rubens subjects from history ; 2
v. 2
by Reinhold Baumstark and Guy Delmarcel ; [edited by Arnout Balis, Isabelle van Tichelen and Elizabeth McGrath ; translated by Kristin Lohse Belkin (text Reinhold Baumstark) and Jantien Black (text Guy Delmarcel)]
v. 1
Carl Van de Velde & Prisca Valkeneers ; translated from the Dutch by Jantien Black
Snoeck , Centrum Rubenianum Vzw [2013]