Improvements in the method for fractional determination of soil organic nitrogen



Abstract To reinvestigate the experimental conditions for determining various forms of organic nitrogen, known nitrogenous compounds were hydrolysed and steam distilled using Bremner's apparatus. The recoveries of amide-N, α-amino-N and hexosamine-N were determined. More than 24 hr were required to complete the hydrolysis of protein and chitin with boiling 6 n HCl. Under these conditions, decomposition of glucosamine occurred and increased with heating time, resulting in an increase of the amide-N fraction. Little glucosamine was decomposed to ammonium-N by hydrolysis with 1 n HCl at 100°C. However, chitin was incompletely hydrolysed to glucosamine under these conditions. In contrast, amide-N was almost completely recovered. The amount of hexosamine-N was determined by subtracting the nitrogen distillable with MgO in the 1 n HCl hydrolysate from the nitrogen distillable with phosphate-borate buffer in the 6 n HCl hydrolysate. Based on these results, improved procedures for determining organic nitrogen are...


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