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Lecture notes in physics
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1-344. An index and other useful information
NCID:AA00716019 ISSN:00758450
NCID:AA10997333 -- New series. Monographs ISSN:09407677
- Nuclear lattice effective field theory : an introduction
Timo A. Lähde, Ulf-G. Meißner
Springer c2019 Lecture notes in physics v. 957
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- Lectures on quantum statistics : with applications to dilute gases and plasmas
Werner Ebeling, Thorsten Pöschel
Springer c2019 Lecture notes in physics v. 953
: [pbk.]
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- An introduction to two-dimensional quantum field theory with (0, 2) supersymmetry
Ilarion V. Melnikov
Springer c2019 Lecture notes in physics v. 951
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- Advanced lectures on general relativity
Geoffrey Compère
Springer c2019 Lecture notes in physics v. 952
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- A microscopic theory of fission dynamics based on the generator coordinate method
Walid Younes, Daniel Marc Gogny, Jean-François Berger
Springer c2019 Lecture notes in physics v. 950
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- The quark structure of hadrons : an introduction to the phenomenology and spectroscopy
Claude Amsler
Springer c2018 Lecture notes in physics v. 949
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- Introduction to the physics of massive and mixed neutrinos
Samoil Bilenky
Springer c2018 2nd ed Lecture notes in physics 947
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- A primer on complex systems : with applications to astrophysical and laboratory plasmas
Raúl Sánchez, David Newman
Springer c2018 Lecture notes in physics 943
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- Extreme states of matter in strong interaction physics : an introduction
Helmut Satz
Springer c2018 2nd ed Lecture notes in physics 945
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- Magnetohydrodynamics and fluid dynamics : action principles and conservation laws
Gary Webb
Springer c2018 Lecture notes in physics v. 946
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- A second course in topos quantum theory
Cecilia Flori
Springer c2018 Lecture notes in physics v. 944
Available at 10 libraries
- Statistical methods for data analysis in particle physics
Luca Lista
Springer 2017 2nd ed Lecture notes in physics v. 941
Available at 7 libraries
- Quantum triangulations : moduli space, quantum computing, non-linear sigma models and Ricci flow
Mauro Carfora, Annalisa Marzuoli
Springer c2017 2nd ed Lecture notes in physics v. 942
Available at 9 libraries
- Galactic radio astronomy
Yoshiaki Sofue
Springer c2017 Lecture notes in physics v. 935
Available at 11 libraries
- An introduction to integrable techniques for one-dimensional quantum systems
Fabio Franchini
Springer c2017 Lecture notes in physics v. 940
Available at 10 libraries
- An advanced course in computational nuclear physics : bridging the scales from quarks to neutron stars
Morten Hjorth-Jensen, Maria Paola Lombardo, Ubirajara van Kolck, editors
Springer c2017 Lecture notes in physics v. 936
Available at 10 libraries
- Green's functions in classical physics
Tom Rother
Springer c2017 Lecture notes in physics v. 938
Available at 10 libraries
- Holographic entanglement entropy
Mukund Rangamani, Tadashi Takayanagi
Springer c2017 Lecture notes in physics 931
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- Supersymmetric grand unified theories : from quarks to strings via SUSY GUTs
Stuart Raby
Springer c2017 Lecture notes in physics v. 939
Available at 10 libraries
- Collider physics within the standard model : a primer
Guido Altarelli ; edited by James Wells
Springer Open c2017 Lecture notes in physics v. 937
Available at 7 libraries