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ASTM special technical publication
ASTM, American Society for Testing Materials
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Special technical publication
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No. 30 (c1937) stamped "Technical publication No.30"
- Symposium on application of statistics : presented at the First Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, San Francisco, Calif., Oct. 11, 1949
ASTM 1950 ASTM special technical publication 103
Available at 3 libraries
- Report on the strength of wrought steels at elevated temperatures : issued under the auspices of the A.S.T.M.-A.S.M.E. joint committee on effect of temperature on the properties of metals
prepared by R.F. Miller and J.J. Heger
American Society for Testing Materials c1950 ASTM special technical publication no. 100
Available at 3 libraries
- Metal cleaning bibliographical abstracts
prepared by Jay C. Harris
American Society for Testing Materials c1949 ASTM special technical publication no. 90
Available at 1 libraries
- Symposium on aging of rubbers : Chicago spring meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, March 2, 1949
American Society for Testing Materials c1949 ASTM special technical publication no. 89
Available at 1 libraries
- Symposium on functional tests for ball bearing greases : presented at the fifty-first annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Detroit, Mich., June 23, 1948
American Society for Testing Materials c1949 ASTM special technical publication no. 84
Available at 2 libraries
- Symposium on magnetic testing (1948) : presented at the fifty-first annual meeting, American Socirty for Testing Materials, Detroit, Mich., June 22, 1948
American Society for Testing Materials c1949 ASTM special technical publication no. 85
Available at 7 libraries
- Manual on fatigue testing
prepared by Committee E-9 on Fatigue American Society for Testing Materials 1949
ASTM 1949 ASTM special technical publication 91
Available at 12 libraries
- Symposium on deformation of metals as related to forming and service : presented at the fifty-first Annual Meeting American Society for Testing Materials
ASTM 1949 ASTM special technical publication no. 87
Available at 6 libraries
- Symposium on mineral aggregates (1948) : Fifty-first annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Detroit, Mich., June 21-25, 1948
American Society for Testing Materials c1948 ASTM special technical publication no. 83
Available at 2 libraries
- Symposium on load tests of bearing capacity of soils
fifteenth annual meeting American Society for Testing Materials Arlantic City, N.J., June 16-20, 1947
American Society for Testing Materials c1948 ASTM special technical publication no. 79
Available at 5 libraries
- Symposium on spectroscopic light sources : forty-ninth annual meeting
American Society for Testing Materials c1948 ASTM special technical publication No. 76
Available at 3 libraries
- Symposium on new methods for particle size determination in the subsieve range
American Society for Testing and Materials
ASTM 1941 ASTM special technical publication no. 51
Available at 2 libraries
- Impact resistance and tensile properties of metals at subatmospheric temperatures
prepared by H.W. Gillett
American Society for Testing Materials 1941 ASTM special technical publication no. 47
Available at 4 libraries
- Coden for periodical titles : an aid to the storage and retrieval of information and to communication involving journal references
Prepared and maintained for Committee E-13 by the Wyandotte-ASTM Punched Card Project ; L.E. Kuentzel, editor
In-house reproduction [manufacture] ASTM special technical publication no. 329,
329-S1 suppl. 1
Available at 1 libraries
- Index to the x-ray powder data file
editor, Joseph V. Smith
The American Society for Testing Materials ASTM special technical publication 48-F,
48-G, 48-K, 48-L 1957 , 1958 , 1961 , 1962
Available at 13 libraries