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Reprints of economic classics
A.M. Kelley
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Imprint varies
- Diary of William Owen, from November 10, 1824 to April 20, 1825
edited by Joel W. Hiatt
A. M. Kelley 1973 Indiana Historical Society publications v. 4,
no. 1 , Reprints of economic classics Available at 14 libraries
- New Harmony : an adventure in happiness
Papers of Thomas and Sarah Pears; edited by Thomas Clinton Pears, Jr
A. M. Kelley 1973 Indiana Historical Society publications v. 11,
no. 1 , Reprints of economic classics Available at 12 libraries
- Progress of the working class, 1832-1867
by J.M. Ludlow & Lloyd Jones
A.M. Kelley 1973 Reprints of economic classics
Available at 34 libraries
- History of agriculture in the southern United States to 1860
A.M. Kelley 1973 Library of early American business and industry 47 , Reprints of economic classics
v. 1 , v. 2
Available at 12 libraries
- National evils and practical remedies : with the plan of a model town
by James Silk Buckingham
A.M. Kelley 1973 Reprints of economic classics
Available at 21 libraries
- Essays, reviews, and reports : previously uncollected writings
Edited and with an introd., New light on Veblen, by Joseph Dorfman
A.M. Kelley 1973 Reprints of economic classics
Available at 33 libraries
- Elements of political economy
A.M. Kelley 1973, [c1835] Reprints of economic classics
Available at 26 libraries
- Economic developments in Victorian Scotland
by W.H. Marwick
A.M. Kelley 1973 Reprints of economic classics
Available at 25 libraries
- The catechism of positive religion
[Auguste Comte] ; translated by Richard Congreve
A. M. Kelley 1973 3d ed., rev. and corr Reprints of economic classics
Available at 15 libraries
- Education and reform at New Harmony : correspondence of William Maclure and Marie Duclos Fretageot, 1820-1833
edited by Arthur E. Bestor, Jr
A.M. Kelley 1973 Reprints of economic classics
Available at 27 libraries
- The philosophy of Auguste Comte
by L. Lévy-Bruhl
A.M. Kelley 1973 Reprints of economic classics , Man in society
Available at 21 libraries
- The natural and artificial right of property contrasted
Thomas Hodgskin
A.M. Kelley 1973 Reprints of economic classics
Available at 36 libraries
- Karl Marx and the close of his system . Böhm-Bawerk's criticism of Marx
by Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk . by Rudolf Hilferding ; together with an appendix consisting of an article by Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz on the transformation of values into prices of production in the Marxian system ; edited with an introd. by Paul M. Sweezy
A.M. Kelley 1973, c1949 Reprints of economic classics
Available at 27 libraries
- Aspects of the rise of economic individualism : a criticism of Max Weber and his school
by H. M. Robertson
A. M. Kelley 1973 [1st ed.] Reprints of economic classics
Available at 29 libraries
- The revolution in the mind and practice of the human race, or, The coming change from irrationality to rationality with a supplement 1849
by Robert Owen
A.M. Kelley 1973 Reprints of economic classics
Available at 34 libraries
- The center of the circle of commerce : or, A refutation of a treatise, intituled The circle of commerce, or The ballance of trade, lately published by E.M.
by Gerald Malynes
A.M. Kelley 1973 Reprints of economic classics
Available at 40 libraries
- The Muscovy merchants of 1555
by T. S. Willan
A. M. Kelley 1973 Reprints of economic classics
Available at 28 libraries
- Wall Street under oath : the story of our modern money changers
Ferdinand Pecora
A.M. Kelley 1973, c1939 Reprints of economic classics , Library of money and banking history
Available at 15 libraries
- The social system : a treatise on the principle of exchange
by John Gray
A.M. Kelley 1973 Reprints of economic classics
Available at 53 libraries
- An essay on the causes of the decline of the foreign trade : consequently of the value of the lands of Britain and on the means to restore both ; to which is added, Serious considerations on the several high duties : which the nation in general, (as well as its trade in particuler) labours under, & c.
by Sir Matthew Decker
A.M. Kelley 1973 Reprints of economic classics
Available at 31 libraries