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Oxford historical monographs
Clarendon Press , Oxford University Press
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Editors: J.H. Elliott, M.H. Keen, P. Langford, H.C.G. Matthew, H.M. Mayr-Harting, A.J. Nicholls, Sir Keith Thomas
Series editors of "Confession and criminal justice in late medieval Italy": P. Betts ... [et al.]
- British philanthropy in the globalizing world : entrepreneurs and evangelicals, 1756-1840
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- The Muslim secular : parity and the politics of India's partition
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- England and the papacy in the early middle ages : papal privileges in European perspective, c. 680-1073
Benjamin Savill
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- Text and textuality in early medieval Iberia : the written and the world, 711-1031
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- The Palatine family and the Thirty Years' War : experiences of exile in early modern Europe, 1632-1648
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- Borders and the politics of space in late medieval Italy : Milan, Venice, and their territories
Luca Zenobi
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- Making refugees in India
Ria Kapoor
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- Confession and criminal justice in late medieval Italy : Siena, 1260-1330
Lidia Luisa Zanetti Domingues
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- Possessing the city : property and politics in Delhi, 1911-1947
Anish Vanaik
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- Great Britain, international law, and the evolution of maritime strategic thought, 1856-1914
Gabriela A. Frei
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- Electric news in colonial Algeria
Arthur Asseraf
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- God and progress : religion and history in British intellectual culture, 1845-1914
Joshua Bennett
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- Edmund Burke and the invention of modern Conservatism, 1830-1914 : an intellectual history
Emily Jones
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- Hunger in war and peace : women and children in Germany, 1914-1924
Mary Elisabeth Cox
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- Christian radicalism in the Church of England and the invention of the British Sixties, 1957-1970 : the hope of a world transformed
Sam Brewitt-Taylor
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- German Catholicism at war, 1939-1945
Thomas Brodie
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- Associative political culture in the Holy Roman Empire : upper Germany, 1346-1521
Duncan Hardy
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- Inspiration and authority in the Middle Ages : prophets and their critics from scholasticism to humanism
Brian FitzGerald
Oxford University Press 2017 Oxford historical monographs
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- Simon V of Montfort and baronial government, 1195-1218
G.E.M. Lippiatt
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- Royal responsibility in Anglo-Norman historical writing
Emily A. Winkler
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