Bibliographic Information
Studies in natural language and linguistic theory
D. Reidel , Kluwer Academic Publishers (Sold and distributed in the USA and Canada), c1986-
- Other Title
Studies in natural language & linguistic theory
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Publisher varies: 1988-2004 : Dordrecht ; Boston ; London : Kluwer Academic Publishers; 2004- : Dordrecht : Springer; [20--?]-: Dordrecht : Springer-Science+Business Media
Distributor's place change: Hingham, MA (v. 1-<3 >, c1986-1987); Norwell, MA (v. <5 >, c1986-)
- Features, categories and the syntax of A-positions : cross-linguistic variation in the Germanic languages
by Eric Haeberli
Kluwer Academic c2002 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 54
: pbk
Available at 27 libraries
- Themes in Arabic and Hebrew syntax
edited by Jamal Ouhalla and Ur Shlonsky
Kluwer Academic c2002 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 53
: hb , : pb
Available at 21 libraries
- Elements of control : structure and meaning in infinitival constructions
by Idan Landau
Springer Science+Business Media 2001, c2000 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 51
Available at 3 libraries
- Flexible syntax : a theory of case and arguments
by Ad Neeleman and Fred Weerman
Kluwer Academic Publishers c2001 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 47
: pbk
Available at 24 libraries
- Objects and other subjects : grammatical functions, functional categories and configurationality
edited by William D. Davies and Stanley Dubinsky
Kluwer Academic c2001 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 52
: (HB) , : (PB)
Available at 41 libraries
- The syntax-phonology interface in focus and topic constructions in Italian
by Mara Frascarelli
Springer c2000 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 50
: pbk
Available at 1 libraries
- Phonology and phonetics in Coatzospan Mixtec
by Chip Gerfen
Kluwer Academic c2000 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 48
: softcover
Available at 1 libraries
- Elements of control : structure and meaning in infinitival constructions
by Idan Landau
Kluwer Academic c2000 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 51
: pbk
Available at 55 libraries
- The syntax-phonology interface in focus and topic constructions in Italian
by Mara Frascarelli
Kluwer Academic c2000 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 50
Available at 28 libraries
- Formal issues in Austronesian linguistics
edited by Ileana Paul, Vivianne Phillips and Lisa Travis
Kluwer Academic c2000 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 49
Available at 31 libraries
- Phonology and phonetics in Coatzospan Mixtec
by Chip Gerfen
Kluwer Academic c1999 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 48
Available at 24 libraries
- Flexible syntax : a theory of case and arguments
by Ad Neeleman and Fred Weerman
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1999 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 47
Available at 41 libraries
- Verb movement and the syntax of Kashmiri
by Rakesh Mohan Bhatt
Kluwer Academic c1999 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 46
: pbk
Available at 30 libraries
- Beyond principles and parameters : essays in memory of Osvaldo Jaeggli
edited by Kyle Johnson and Ian Roberts
Kluwer Academic c1999 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 45
: hbk , : pbk
Available at 77 libraries
- The Mandarin VP
Rint Sybesma
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1999 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 44
: hard , : [pbk]
Available at 47 libraries
- Studies in Greek syntax
edited by Artemis Alexiadou, Geoffrey Horrocks, and Melita Stavrou
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1999 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 43
: hc
Available at 32 libraries
- Studies in Greek syntax
edited by Artemis Alexiadou, Geoffrey Horrocks, and Melita Stavrou
Kluwer Academic c1998 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 43
: softcover
Available at 1 libraries
- Incomplete category fronting : a derivational approach to remnant movement in German
Gereon Müller
Kluwer Academic c1998 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 42
Available at 39 libraries
- Noun phrases and nominalizations : the syntax of DPs
Tal Siloni
Springer-Science+Business Media c1997 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 40
: softcover
Available at 1 libraries
- Syntactic change in medieval French : verb-second and null subjects
Barbara S. Vance
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1997 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 41
: [hardcover] , : softcover
Available at 35 libraries