Bibliographic Information
Studies in natural language and linguistic theory
D. Reidel , Kluwer Academic Publishers (Sold and distributed in the USA and Canada), c1986-
- Other Title
Studies in natural language & linguistic theory
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Publisher varies: 1988-2004 : Dordrecht ; Boston ; London : Kluwer Academic Publishers; 2004- : Dordrecht : Springer; [20--?]-: Dordrecht : Springer-Science+Business Media
Distributor's place change: Hingham, MA (v. 1-<3 >, c1986-1987); Norwell, MA (v. <5 >, c1986-)
- Noun phrases and nominalizations : the syntax of DPs
Tal Siloni
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1997 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 40
Available at 68 libraries
- Morphosyntax of verb movement : a minimalist approach to the syntax of Dutch
C. Jan-Wouter Zwart
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1997 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 39
: hard , : pbk
Available at 55 libraries
- Current issues in comparative grammar
edited by Robert Freidin
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1996 Student ed. Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 35
Available at 16 libraries
- Case absorption and WH-agreement
Akira Watanabe
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1996 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 37
Available at 78 libraries
- Current issues in comparative grammar
edited by Robert Freidin
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1996 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 35
Available at 73 libraries
- New horizons in Chinese linguistics
edited by C.-T. James Huang and Y.-H. Audrey Li
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1996 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 36
: hbk , : pbk
Available at 49 libraries
- Directionality and logical form : on the scope of focusing particles and wh-in-situ
Josef Bayer
Kluwer Academic c1996 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 34
: hb
Available at 57 libraries
- Phrase structure and the lexicon
edited by Johan Rooryck and Laurie Zaring
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1996 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 33
Available at 71 libraries
- Phrase structure and the lexicon
edited by Johan Rooryck and Laurie Zaring
Kluwer Academic c1995 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 33
: softcover
Available at 2 libraries
- Particles and projections in Irish syntax
Nigel Duffield
Kluwer Academic c1995 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 32
Available at 31 libraries
- Studies in comparative Germanic syntax
edited by Hubert Haider, Susan Olsen, and Sten Vikner
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1995- Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 31,
38 [v. 1] , v. 2
Available at 78 libraries
- Case, scope, and binding
Maria Bittner
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1994 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory 30
Available at 67 libraries
- Issues in the structure of Arabic clauses and words
Abdelkader Fassi Fehri
Kluwer Academic , Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers c1993 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 29
: [hardcover] , : [softcover]
Available at 26 libraries
- Verbs and diachronic syntax : a comparative history of English and French
Ian Roberts
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1993 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 28
: hbk , : pbk
Available at 91 libraries
- Japanese syntax and semantics : collected papers
S.-Y. Kuroda
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1992 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 27
: hb , : pbk
Available at 164 libraries
- Syntactic variables : resumptive pronouns and A' binding in Palauan
Carol Georgopoulos
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1991 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 24
Available at 42 libraries
- Licensing theory and French parasitic gaps
Christine Tellier
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1991 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 26
Available at 37 libraries
- Warlpiri morpho-syntax : a lexicalist approach
Jane Simpson
Kluwer Academic , Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers c1991 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 23
Available at 33 libraries
- Views on phrase structure
edited by Katherine Leffel and Denis Bouchard
Kluwer Academic c1991 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 25
Available at 59 libraries
- Representation and derivation in the theory of grammar
edited by Hubert Haider and Klaus Netter
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1991 Studies in natural language and linguistic theory v. 22
: hb
Available at 64 libraries