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Educational studies and documents
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- Possibilities and limitations of functional literacy : the Iranian experiment
by Pierre Furter
Unesco 1973 Educational studies and documents new ser.,
no. 9 Available at 3 libraries
- Sports facilities for schools in developing countries : an inventory of experience and proposals for future projects
by F. B. Scriven
Unesco [Distributed in U.S. by Unesco Publications Center, New York 1973] Educational studies and documents new ser.,
no. 8 Available at 2 libraries
- Rights and responsibilities of youth
Unesco 1972 Educational studies and documents New series ; no. 6
Available at 3 libraries
- Growth and change: perspectives of education in Asia
Unesco [distributed by Unesco Publications Center, New York 1972] Educational studies and documents new ser.,
no. 7 Available at 5 libraries
- Comparative study of secondary school building costs
by Hutton and Rostron
Unesco 1971 Educational studies and documents new ser.,
no. 4 Available at 3 libraries
- Agriculture and general education
Unesco 1971 Educational studies and documents no. 2
Available at 4 libraries
- Education in the Arab region viewed from the 1970 Marrakesh Conference
by Mohammed A. El-Ghannam
Unesco [1971] Educational studies and documents new ser.,
no. 1 Available at 4 libraries
- Literacy for working : functional literacy in rural Tanzania
by Margo Viscusi
Unesco c1971 Educational studies and documents new ser.,
no. 5 Available at 4 libraries
- Teachers and educational policy
Unesco [1971] Educational studies and documents new ser.,
no. 3 Available at 3 libraries
- Developments in audio-visual education : some recent articles
Kraus Reprint 1971 Educational studies and documents no. 50
Available at 3 libraries
- Second World Conference on Adult Education
Kraus Reprint 1971 Educational studies and documents no. 46
Available at 4 libraries
- New methods and techniques in education
Kraus Reprint 1971 Educational studies and documents no. 48
Available at 3 libraries
- Higher education in the United States
by Harold A. Haswell
Kraus Reprint 1971 Educational studies and documents no. 47
Available at 4 libraries
- Elements of educational planning
Kraus Reprint 1971 Educational studies and documents no. 45
Available at 5 libraries
- The organization of the school year : a comparative study
Kraus Reprint 1971 Educational studies and documents no. 43
Available at 3 libraries
- Evaluating educational achievements : summaries of some studies carried out by the Henrietta Szold Institute on Schooling in Israel
editors, M. Smilansky, L. Adar
Kraus Reprint 1971 Educational studies and documents no. 42
Available at 4 libraries
- The needs of Asia in primary education : a plan for the provision of compulsory primary education in the region
Kraus Reprint 1971 Educational studies and documents no. 41
Available at 4 libraries
- The value of examinations : a technical study carried out in the Lebanon
E. Valin
Kraus Reprint 1971 Educational studies and documents no. 40
Available at 4 libraries
- Higher education in the USSR
by M.A. Prokofiev, M.G. Chilikin, S.I. Tulpanov
Kraus Reprint 1971 Educational studies and documents no. 39
Available at 4 libraries
- Unesco Regional Seminar on the Educational Rôle of Museums, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 7-30 September 1958 : report
by Georges Henri Rivière
Kraus Reprint 1971 Educational studies and documents no. 38
Available at 3 libraries