The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books
The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books
edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt
"A Garland series."
関連文献: 29件中 21-29を表示
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- Campania foelix
Timothy Nourse
Garland 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt 7
- Gardening improv'd
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Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt 9
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George W. Johnson
Garland 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt v. 27
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Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt 15
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Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt 16
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Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt v. 10
v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3
- The villas of the ancients illustrated
Robert Castell
Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt 12 , A Garland series
- The suburban gardener, and villa companion
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Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt
- An encyclopaedia of gardening : in two volumes
J.C. Loudon
Garland Pub. 1982 The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt
v. 1 , v. 2
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