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Mathematical notes
Princeton University Press
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Princeton mathematical notes
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- Predicative arithmetic
by Edward Nelson
Princeton University Press 1986 Mathematical notes 32
Available at 38 libraries
- Cohomology of quotients in symplectic and algebraic geometry
by Frances Clare Kirwan
Princeton University Press 1984 Mathematical notes 31
Available at 45 libraries
- Formal knot theory
by Louis H. Kauffman
Princeton University Press 1983 Mathematical notes 30
: pbk.
Available at 49 libraries
- Hardy spaces on homogeneous groups
by G.B. Folland and E.M. Stein
Princeton University Press , University of Tokyo Press 1982 Mathematical notes 28
Available at 51 libraries
- Lectures on exponential decay of solutions of second-order elliptic equations : bounds on eigenfunctions of N-body Schrödinger operators
by Shmuel Agmon
Princeton University Press , University of Tokyo Press 1982 Mathematical notes 29
Available at 54 libraries
- Existence and regularity of minimal surfaces on riemannian manifolds
by Jon T. Pitts
Princeton University Press , University of Tokyo Press 1981 Mathematical notes 27
: pbk
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- Non-abelian minimal closed ideals of transitive Lie algebras
by Jack F. Conn
Princeton University Press , University of Tokyo Press 1981 Mathematical notes 25
: pbk
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- Exact sequences in the algebraic theory of surgery
by Andrew Ranicki
Princeton University Press , University of Tokyo Press 1981 Mathematical notes 26
: pbk
Available at 45 libraries
- Lectures on pseudo-differential operators : regularity theorems and applications to non-elliptic problems
by Alexander Nagel and E. M. Stein
Princeton University Press , University of Tokyo Press 1979 [colophon, 1980] Mathematical notes (Princeton University Press) 24 , Tokyo University international edition no. 162
Available at 31 libraries
- Introduction to harmonic analysis on reductive p-adic groups : based on lectures by Harish-Chandra at the Institute for Advanced Study, 1971-73
by Allan J. Silberger
Princeton University Press , University of Tokyo Press 1979 Mathematical notes 23 , Tokyo University international edition no. 151
Available at 24 libraries
- Lectures on pseudo-differential operators : regularity theorems and applications to non-elliptic problems
by Alexander Nagel and E.M. Stein
Princeton University Press 1979 Mathematical notes
Available at 32 libraries
- Introduction to harmonic analysis on reductive p-adic groups : based on lectures by Harish-Chandra at the Institute for Advanced Study, 1971-73
by Allan J. Silberger
Princeton University Press 1979 Mathematical notes 23
Available at 24 libraries
- The motion of a surface by its mean curvature
by Kenneth A. Brakke
Princeton University Press , Univ. of Tokyo Press 1978 Mathematical notes 20 , Tokyo University international edition No.111
Available at 27 libraries
- On uniformization of complex manifolds : the role of connections
by R.C. Gunning
Princeton University Press , University of Tokyo Press 1978 Mathematical notes (Princeton University Press) 22 , Tokyo University international edition no. 116
Available at 32 libraries
- On uniformization of complex manifolds : the role of connections
by R. C. Gunning
Princeton University Press 1978 Mathematical notes 22
Available at 28 libraries
- The motion of a surface by its mean curvature
by Kenneth A. Brakke
Princeton University Press 1978 Mathematical notes 20
Available at 31 libraries
- Notes on crystalline cohomology
Pierre Berthelot & Arthur Ogus
Princeton University Press , University of Tokyo Press 1978 Mathematical notes 21 , Tokyo University international edition no. 113
Available at 27 libraries
- Notes on crystalline cohomology
by Pierre Berthelot, Arthur Ogus
Princeton University Press 1978 Mathematical notes 21
Available at 25 libraries
- Introduction to ergodic theory
Ya. G. Sinai ; translated by V. Scheffer
Princeton University Press , University of Tokyo Press c1977 Mathematical notes 18 , Tokyo University international edition no. 102
Available at 30 libraries
- Estimates for the [d-bar]-Neumann problem
P.C. Greiner and E.M. Stein
Princeton University Press , Univ. of Tokyo Press 1977 Mathematical notes 19 , Tokyo University international edition no.106
: pbk
Available at 23 libraries