Significant contributions to the history of psychology, 1750-1920
edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson
University Publications of America
関連文献: 28件中 1-20を表示
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- An elementary treatise on human physiology . "On the hypothesis that animals are automata, and its history" . The mind and the brain
François Magendie . Thomas Henry Huxley . Alfred Binet
University Publications of America c1978 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series E . Physiological psychology ; vol. 4 所蔵館23館
- The functions of the brain
David Ferrier
University Publications of America c1978 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series E . Physiological psychology ; vol. 3 所蔵館23館
- Physiological researches on life and death . Outlines of phrenology . Phrenology examined
Xavier Bichat . Johann Gasper Spurzheim . Pierre Flourens
University Publications of America c1978 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series E . Physiological psychology ; vol. 2 所蔵館25館
- Seminal essays
R. Whytt ... [et al.]
University Publications of America c1978 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series E . Physiological psychology ; vol. 1 所蔵館24館
- Darwinism : critical reviews from Dublin review, Edinburgh review, Quarterly review [and] works
by Alfred Russell Wallace ... [et al.]
University Publications of America c1977 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series D . Comparative psychology ; vol. 4 所蔵館25館
- "The comparative psychology of man" . Last words on evolution . Contributions to the study of the behavior of lower organisms
Herbert Spencer . Ernst Haeckel . Herbert S. Jennings
University Publications of America c1977 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series D . Comparative psychology ; vol. 3 所蔵館23館
- An introduction to comparative psychology ; "The limits of animal intelligence"
C. Lloyd Morgan ; edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson
University Publications of America c1977 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series D . Comparative psychology ; v. 2 所蔵館23館
- Lectures on human and animal psychology
Wilhelm Wundt
University Publications of America c1977 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series D . Comparative psychology ; vol. 1 所蔵館22館
- Alterations of personality ; On double consciousness
Alfred Binet ; edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson
University Publications of America c1977 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series C . Medical psychology ; vol. 5 所蔵館24館
- Physiology and pathology of the mind
Henry Maudsley ; edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson
University Publications of America c1977 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series C . Medical psychology ; vol. 4 所蔵館24館
- Treatise on insanity . Responsibility in mental disease
Philippe Pinel . Henry Maudsley ; edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson
University Publications of America c1977 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series C . Medical psychology ; vol. 3 所蔵館22館
- The mental state of hystericals
Pierre Janet ; edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson
University Publications of America c1977 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series C . Medical psychology ; v. 2 所蔵館25館
- Diseases of memory ; Diseases of personality ; Diseases of the will
Théodule Armand Ribot
University Publications of America c1977 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series C . Medical psychology ; vol. 1 所蔵館23館
- Works on psychometrics
Alfred Binet ... [et al.] ; edited and with preface by Daniel N. Robinson
University Publications of America c1977 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series B . Psychometrics and educational psychology ; vol. 4 所蔵館28館
- Studies of childhood
James Sully
University Publications of America c1977 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series B . Psychometrics and educational psychology ; vol. 3 所蔵館28館
- How Gertrude teaches her children ; Pestalozzi's educational writings
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi ; edited with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson
University Publications of America c1977 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series B . Psychometrics and educational psychology ; vol. 2 所蔵館30館
- The science of education . The education of man
Johann Friedrich Herbart . Friedrich Froebel
University Publications of America c1977 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series B . Psychometrics and educational psychology ; vol. 1 所蔵館22館
- Seminal research papers
J. McK. Cattell ... [et al.]
University Publications of America c1977 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series A . Orientaions ; vol. 11 所蔵館28館
- Numerous cases of surgical operations without pain in the mesmeric state . Mesmerism in India . The philosophy of sleep
John Elliotson . James Esdaile . Robert Macnish
University Publications of America c1977 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series A . Orientaions ; vol. 10 所蔵館26館
- A manual of psychology
George Frederick Stout
University Publications of America c1977 Significant contributions to the history of psychology,
1750-1920 / edited and with prefaces by Daniel N. Robinson series A . Orientaions ; vol. 9 所蔵館24館
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