Comportement chaotique des systèmes déterministes : Les Houches, session XXXVI, 29 juin-31 juillet 1981 Chaotic behaviour of deterministic systems
Bibliographic Information
Comportement chaotique des systèmes déterministes : Les Houches, session XXXVI, 29 juin-31 juillet 1981 = Chaotic behaviour of deterministic systems
North-Holland Pub. Co. , Sole distributors for the USA and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co., 1983
- Other Title
Chaotic behaviour of deterministic systems
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Library, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University数研
C-P||Les Houches||1981.62979682
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At head of title: USMG, NATO ASI
"Les Houches, Ecole d'été de physique théorique ... session XXXVI"--P. [v.]
Includes bibliographies
Description and Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Preface. Courses: 1. Introduction to the mathematical theory of dynamical systems (O.E. Lanford III). 2. Numerical exploration of Hamiltonian systems (M. Henon). 3. Semi-classical mechanics of regular and irregular motion (M.V. Berry). 4. Bifurcation de diffeomorphismes de R 2 au voisanage de points fixes elliptiques (A. Chenciner). 5. Stability and bifurcation theory (D.D. Joseph). 6. The creation of non trivial recurrence in the dynamics of diffeomorphisms (S.E. Newhouse). Seminar: Generic properties of conservative systems (S.E. Newhouse). 7. Route to chaos with special emphasis on period doubling (J.P. Eckman, notes taken by R.S. MacKay). 8. Non-linear problems in ecology and resource management (R.M. May). 9. Maps of an interval (M. Misiurewicz). 10. Laboratory experiments on the transition to chaos (J.P. Gollub and A. Libchaber). 11. Models for intermittency (Y. Pomeau). 12. Hydrodynamic stability of shear flows (S.A. Orszag and A.T. Patera). 13. Fully developed turbulence and singularities (U. Frisch).
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