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Public health papers
World Health Organization , H.M.S.O.]
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- Health economics : report on a WHO Interregional Seminar
World Health Organization 1975 Public health papers no. 64
Available at 3 libraries
- Schizophrenia : amultinational study : a summary of the initial evaluation phase of the international pilot study of Schizophrenia
World Health Organization 1975 Public health papers no. 63
Available at 3 libraries
- Educational strategies for the health professions
edited by George E. Miller, Tamás Fülöp
World Health Organization 1974 Public health papers no. 61
Available at 5 libraries
- The medical assistant : an intermediate level of health care personnel
edited by Donald M. Pitcairn, Daniel Flahault
World Health Organization 1974 Public health papers no. 60
Available at 3 libraries
- Suicide and attempted suicide
edited by Eileen M. Brooke
World Health Organization 1974 Public health papers no. 58
Available at 3 libraries
- The teaching of human sexuality in schools for health professionals
edited by D.R. Mace, R.H.O. Bannerman, J. Burton
World Health Organization 1974 Public health papers no. 57
Available at 5 libraries
- The training and utilization of feldshers in the USSR : a review prepared by the Ministry of Health of the USSR for the World Health Organization
World Health Organization 1974 Public health papers no. 56
Available at 3 libraries
- Modern management methods and the organization of health services
World Health Organization 1974 Public health papers no. 55
Available at 2 libraries
- Administration of environmental health programmes : a systems view
Morris Schaefer
World Health Organization , distributed by Q Corp.] c1974 Public health papers 59
Available at 5 libraries
- Control of air pollution in the USSR
N.F. Izmerov
World Health Organization 1973 Public health papers no. 54
Available at 2 libraries
- Family planning in the education of nurses and midwives
edited by Lily M. Turnbull, Helena Pizurki
World Health Organization 1973 Public health papers no. 53
Available at 4 libraries
- Development of educational programmes for the health professions
World Health Organization 1973 Public health papers no. 52
Available at 2 libraries
- Health practice research and formalized managerial methods
F. Grundy, W.A. Reinke
World Health Organization 1973 Public health papers no. 51
Available at 1 libraries
- Interrelationships between health programmes and socio-economic development
by World Health Organization
World Health Organization 1973 Public health papers 49
Available at 3 libraries
- Hospital legislation and hospital systems
R.F. Bridgman, M.I. Roemer
World Health Organization 1973 Public health papers 50
Available at 3 libraries
- Aspects of medical education in developing countries
contributors, D.S. Ali ... [et al.]
World Health Organization 1972 Public health papers no. 47
Available at 4 libraries
- Approaches to national health planning
Herman E. Hilleboe, Arne Barkhuus, William C. Thomas
World Health Organization 1972 Public health papers no. 46
Available at 3 libraries
- The prevention of perinatal morbidity and mortality : report on a seminar
World Health Organization 1972 Public health papers no. 42
Available at 3 libraries
- Evaluation of community health centres
Milton I. Roemer
World Health Organization [Distributed by the American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.] 1972 Public health papers 48
Available at 3 libraries
- Mass health examinations
World Health Organization 1971 Public health papers no. 45
Available at 3 libraries