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The Triangle papers
Trilateral Commission
- Other Title
Triangle papers
A report to the Trilateral Commission
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Imprint varies for some vols.: New York, N.Y. : New York University Press
- Trade in manufactured products with developing countries : reinforcing North-South partnership : report of the Trilateral Task Force on North-South Trade to the Trilateral Commission
authors, Albert Fishlow, Jean Carrière, Sueo Sekiguchi
Trilateral Commission c1981 The Triangle papers 21
Available at 5 libraries
- Trilateral Commission task force reports, 15-19 : a compilation of reports to the Trilateral Commission completed in 1978 and 1979
New York University Press 1981 The Triangle papers
Available at 6 libraries
- The Middle East and the trilateral countries : report of the Trilateral Middle East Task Force to the Trilateral Commission
authors, Garret FitzGerald ... [et al.]
The Commission c1981 The Triangle papers 22
Available at 5 libraries
- Industrial policy and the international economy : report of the Trilateral Task Force on Industrial Policy to the Trilateral Commission
authors, John Pinder, Takashi Hosomi, William Diebold ; special consultants, Eisuke Sakakibara, Wolfgang Hager
Trilateral Commission c1979 The Triangle papers 19
Available at 1 libraries
- Collective bargaining and employee participation in Western Europe, North America and Japan : report of the Trilateral Task Force on Industrial Relations to the Trilateral Commission
authors, Benjamin C. Roberts, Hideaki Okamoto, George C. Lodge
Trilateral Commission c1979 The Triangle papers 18
Available at 2 libraries
- Energy, managing the transition : report of the Trilateral Energy Task Force to the Trilateral Commission
authors, John C. Sawhill, Keichi Oshima, Hanns W. Maull ; special consultant, Franklin Tugwell
Trilateral Commission c1978 The Triangle papers 17
Available at 1 libraries
- Reducing malnutrition in developing countries : increasing rice production in South and Southeast Asia
Umberto Colombo, D. Gale Johnson, Toshio Shishido ; special consultants, Yujiro Hayami ... [et al.]
Trilateral Commission c1978 The Triangle papers 16
Available at 4 libraries
- Trilateral Commission Task Force reports, 9-14 : a compilation of reports to the Trilateral Commission completed in 1976 and 1977
New York University Press 1978 The Triangle papers
: hbk , : pbk
Available at 10 libraries
- An overview of East-West relations : report of the Trilateral Task Force on East-West Relations to the Trilateral Commission
authors, Jeremy R. Azrael, Richard Löwenthal, Tohru Nakagawa
The Commission [c1978] The Triangle papers 15
Available at 2 libraries
- Towards a renovated international system : a report of the Trilateral Integrators Task Force to the Trilateral Commission
authors, Richard N. Cooper, Karl Kaiser, Masataka Kosaka ; special consultant, Robert R. Bowie
Trilateral Commission c1977 The Triangle papers 14
Available at 1 libraries
- Trilateral Commission Task Force reports, 1-7 : a compilation of reports from the first two years of the Trilateral Commission
New York University Press 1977 The Triangle papers
: hbk , : pbk
Available at 10 libraries
- Collaboration with Communist countries in managing global problems : an examination of the options
a report of the Trilateral Task Force on Constructive Trilateral-Communist Cooperation on Global Problems to the Trilateral Commission ; rapporteurs, Chihiro Hosoya, Henry Owen, Andrew Shonfield
The Commission [c1977] The Triangle papers 13
Available at 4 libraries
- The problem of international consultations : a report of the Trilateral Task Force on Consultative Procedures to the Trilateral Commission
rapporteurs, Egidio Ortona, J. Robert Schaetzel, Nobuhiko Ushiba
Trilateral Commission c1976 The Triangle papers 12
Available at 2 libraries
- Seeking a new accommodation in world commodity markets : a report of the Trilateral Task Force on Commodities Issues to the Executive Committee of the Trilateral Commission
rapporteurs, Carl E. Beigie, Wolfgang Hager, Sueo Sekiguchi
Trilateral Commission c1976 The Triangle papers 10
Available at 4 libraries
- The reform of international institutions : a report of the Trilateral Task Force on International Institutions to the Trilateral Commission
rapporteurs, C. Fred Bergsten, Georges Berthoin, Kinhide Mushakōji ; special consultant, John Pinder
The Commission c1976 The Triangle papers 11
Available at 3 libraries
- A new regime for the oceans : a report of the Trilateral Task Force on the Oceans to the Executive Committee of the Trilateral Commission, Paris, December 1975
rapporteurs, Michael Hardy ... [et al.] ; special consultant, Richard N. Cooper
The Commission [c1976] The Triangle papers 9
Available at 1 libraries
- OPEC, the trilateral world, and the developing countries : new arrangements for cooperation, 1976-1980 : a report of the Trilateral Task Force on Relations with Developing Countries to the Executive Committee of the Trilateral Commission
rapporteurs, Richard N. Gardner, Saburo Okita, B.J. Udink
Trilateral Commission c1975 The Triangle papers 7
Available at 2 libraries
- The crisis of democracy : report on the governability of democracies to the Trilateral Commission
Michel Crozier, Samuel P. Huntington, Joji Watanuki
New York University Press 1975 The Triangle papers [8]
: cloth , : pbk
Available at 41 libraries
- Energy, a strategy for international action : a report of the Trilateral Task Force on the Political and International Implications of the Energy Crisis to the Executive Committee of the Trilateral Commission, Washington, D.C., December 8-10, 1974
rapporteurs, John C. Campbell, Guy de Carmoy, Shinichi Kondo
Trilateral Commission c1974 The Triangle papers 6
Available at 2 libraries
- Directions for world trade in the nineteen-seventies : a report of the trilateral task force on trade to the executive committee of the Trilateral Commission, Brussels, June 23-25, 1974
rapporteurs, Guido Colonna Di Paliano, Philip H. Trezise, Nobuhiko Ushiba
Trilateral Commission c1974 The Triangle papers 4
Available at 3 libraries