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Senate documents
Senate document
Senate doc.
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- Election law guidebook : summary of federal and state laws regulating the nominations and election of United States Senators
Senator Albert Gore
Government Printing Office 1956 Document no. 116
Available at 1 libraries
- International Geophysical Year : a special report
prepared by National Academy of Sciences for the Committee on Appropriations of the United States Senate ; presented by Mr. Hayden
U.S. Government Printing Office 1956 Document 84th congress,
2nd session, no. 124 Available at 1 libraries
- The Communist Party of the United States of America : what it is, how it works : a handbook for Americans
Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate
U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 1956 Document 84th congress,
2d session, no. 117 Available at 3 libraries
- Senate manual : containing the standing rules, orders, laws, and resolutions affecting the business of the United States Senate : Jefferson's manual, Declaration of Independence, articles of confederation, constitution of the United States, etc.
prepared by Gordon F. Harrison and Darrell St. Claire ; under the direction of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, eighty-fourth Congress
U.S. G.P.O. 1955 Document 84th Congress,
1st session, no.9 Available at 3 libraries
- Atoms for peace manual : a compilation official maternals internatinal cooperation for peaceful uses of atomic energy ; December 1953-July 1955
U.S. Government Printing Office 1955 Document 84th congress 1st Session,
no. 55 Available at 12 libraries
- St. Lawrence seaway manual : a compilation of documents on the great lakes seaway project and correlated power development
presented by Mr. Wiley
U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 1955 Document 83d Congress,
2d session, no. 165 Available at 2 libraries
- Retirement policy for federal personnel : letter from the Chairman, Committee on Retirement Policy for Federal Personnel transmitting a report (part 1) of the findings and recommendations of the Committee on Retirement Policy for Federal Personnel, pursuant to Public Law 555, 82D congress
United States Government Printing Office 1954 Document 83d congress,
2d session Senate ; no. 89 Available at 3 libraries
- Report on trade-agreement escape clauses : message from the President of the United States transmitting a report on trade-agreement escape clauses, pursuant to the provisions of subsection (B) of section 6 of the Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1951 (Public Law 50, 82d Cong.)
[U.S. G.P.O.] [1952] Document 82d Congress,
2d session, no. 328 Available at 1 libraries
- Report of the National Academy of Sciences : fiscal year 1949-1950
National Research Council
United States Government Printing Office 1952 Document 32d Congress ; 1st session ; no. 42
Available at 1 libraries
- Prayers : offered by the chaplain the rev. Peter Marshall, D.D. at the opening of the daily sessions of the Senate of the United States during the eightieth and eighty-first Congresses, 1947-1949
U.S. G.P.O. 1951 Document 81st Congress,
1st Session, no. 86 Available at 2 libraries
- Tensions within the Soviet Union
prepared at the request of senator Alexander Wiley by the Legislative Reference Service of the Library of Congress
United States Government Printing Office 1951 Document 82d Congress ; 1st Session ; No.41
Available at 2 libraries
- Basic data relating to energy resources : study made by the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, pursuant to S. Res. 239 (81st Congress), to investigate available fuel reserves and formulate a national fuel policy of the United States
U. S. Government Printing Office 1951 Document 82d Congress,
1st session, no. 8 Available at 1 libraries
- The Interstate Commerce Act : together with text of supplementary acts and related sections of various other acts, revised to November 1, 1951
U.S. G.P.O. : for sale by the Supt. of Docs. U.S. G.P.O. 1951 Document 82d congress,
1st session, no. 72 Available at 2 libraries
- Factors affecting volume and stability of private investment : materials on the investment problem
assembled by the staff of the Subcommittee on Investment, Joint Committee on the Economic Report
U.S. G.P.O. 1950 Document 81st Congress,
2nd session, Senate ; no. 232 Available at 1 libraries
- Forty years of achievement : commemorating the fortieth anniversary of the establishment of the National Commission of Fine Arts
U.S. G.P.O. 1950 Document 81st Congress,
2d session, no. 128 Available at 2 libraries
- A decade of American foreign policy : basic documents, 1941-49
prepared at the request of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations by the staff of the committee and the Department of State
Government Printing Office 1950 Document 81st Congress,
1st Session, no. 123 Available at 16 libraries
- Study of Federal Trade Commission pricing policies : interim report on Study of Federal Trade Commission pricing policies pursuant to S. Res. 241 (80th Congress) and on S. 236 (amendment) and S. 1008 (81st Congress)
U.S.G.P.O. 1949 Document no. 27
Available at 1 libraries
- North atlantic treaty : documents relating to the North atlantic treaty
prepared by the Staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee ; presented by Mr. Connally
U.S. G.P.O. 1949 Document 81st Congress,
1st Session, no. 48 Available at 1 libraries
- Menace of communism : statement of J. Edgar Hoover ... before the Committee on un-American activities, House of Representatives, March 26, 1947
Government Printing Office 1947 Document no. 26
Available at 2 libraries
- Rules of criminal procedure for the district courts of the United States : adopted by the Supreme Court of the United States : together with notes to the rules as prepared under the direction of the advisory committee on rules for criminal procedure appointed by the Supreme Court of the United States
U.S. G.P.O. 1946 Document 79th Congress,
2d session, Senate ; no. 175 Available at 2 libraries