
Communication in development

edited by W.P. Robinson

(European monographs in social psychology, 24)

Published in cooperation with European Association of Experimental Social Psychology by Academic Press, 1981

大学図書館所蔵 48件 / 48




Includes papers from the International Conference on Social Psychology and Language, held in 1979 at the University of Bristol

Includes bibliographies and indexes


  • Negativity in early infant-adult exchanges and its developmental significance / B. Sylvester-Bradley
  • Non-linguistic information which could assist the young child's interpretation of adults' speech / D.J. Messer
  • Collaboration and confrontation with young children in language comprehension testing / N.H. Freeman, C.G. Sinha, and S.G. Condliffe
  • From interaction strategies to social representation of adults in a day nursery / F. Emiliani, B. Zani, and F. Carugati
  • Language performance of disadvantaged children at 30 months / A. McGlaughlin ... [et al.]
  • Mothers as teachers and their children as learners / E. Hartmann and H. Haavind
  • Mothers' answers to children's questions / W.P. Robinson
  • Instruction versus conversation as opportunities for learning / M. Heber
  • Conflict and cooperation as opportunities for learning / A-N. Perret-Clermont and M-L. Schubauer-Leoni
  • Conversational tactics and the advancement of the child's understanding about referential communication / E.J. Robinson
  • Some problems for theory, methodology, and methods for the 1980s / W.P. Robinson

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