
Computer simulation of solids

edited by C.R.A. Catlow and W.C. Mackrodt

(Lecture notes in physics, 166)

Springer-Verlag, 1982

  • : gw
  • : us

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 57



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



Theory of simulation methods for lattice and defect energy calculations in crystals.- Theory and calculation of defect entropies.- Characteristic volumes of point defects in tonic crystals.- Free energy calculations for crystals.- Molecular dynamics simulations of crystalline ionic materials.- Ab initio cluster calculations for defects in the solid state.- Computational methods for the electronic structure of defects in insulators.- Interatomic potentials in solids.- Potentials in metals.- Interionic potentials in ionic solids.- Interatomic potentials in covalent and semi-covalent solids.- Defect calculations for ionic materials.- Point defect calculations in metals.- Defect calculations in semiconductors.- Computer modelling of complex and massively disordered crystalline solids.- Aspects of the chemistry of phyllosilicates and intercalation in vermiculites.- Aggregation and precipitation in alkali halides.- Computer simulation of fast ton conductors.- Computer simulation of ionic crystal surfaces.- Long range order in non-stoichiometric oxides.

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