European multinationals in core technologies


European multinationals in core technologies

Rob van Tulder and Gerd Junne

(Wiley/IRM series on multinationals)

Wiley, c1988

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 40



Bibliography: p. 260-270

Includes index



This book is an attempt to describe how and why a new set of technologies emerges that all firms have to master to stay in business.It shows how the confusing pattern of diversification and specialization of European multinationals can be explained by their efforts to strengthen their position of European companies vis-a-vis American and Japanese companies and looks at the social and regional impact of the application of "core technologies" by multinational companies. The authors aim to show that core technologies in Europe, much more than in the USA, are developed and applied by multinational corporations.


  • The challenge of new technologies
  • corporate strategies towards core technologies
  • changing structure of multinationals
  • social impact of new technologies
  • international competitivenes of European high-tech firms
  • high-tech multinationals and national innovation policies
  • international co-operation in core technologies.

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