Seeing female : social roles and personal lives


Seeing female : social roles and personal lives

edited by Sharon S. Brehm

(Contributions in women's studies, no. 88)

Greenwood Press, 1988

  • : lib. bdg. : alk. pap

大学図書館所蔵 35件 / 35




Includes bibliographies and index



A collection of short essays that seeks to reveal various ways female scholars perceive women in personal and societal roles. . . . New feminist visions are suggested as remedies for such age-old problems as patriarchal control of family and politics, balancing work and family life, and overturning gender stereotypes in all areas. Choice ... a rare, interesting, and challenging experience--a sociological journey of its own. Contemporary Sociology ... the range and quality of the essays in this slim volume recommend it as an excellent supplemental text for a women's studies course, or an introductory course on gender roles. And for those who teach in neither area, the book offers ample food for individual consumption. Contemporary Psychology This important scholarly collection explores new perspectives on the tension and conflict between external, social pressures brought to bear on women and their own internal personal inclinations. Designed with the general reader as well as the specialist in mind, the book features an easily accessible format, clear, jargon-free language, and up-to-date scholarship. Topics range from personal identity and the effects upon it of gender, socialization, culture, and ethnic background to women's relationships and the role of professional women in occupations defined and dominated by a male perspective. Historical and contemporary themes as well as possible future trends are examined.


Introduction Part One: Women's Development and Identity Part Two: Women in Relationship to Others Part Three: Women in Professional Roles Part Four: Women's Perspectives Index

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