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Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
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Bombay Sanskrit series
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- Deśīnāmamālā of Hemacandra
edited with critical notes (1880) by R. Pischel ; second edition (1938) with introduction, critical notes, and glossary by Paravastu Venkata Ramanujaswamy
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 1989 Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 17
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- श्रीमद्यास्काचार्यप्रणीतं निरुक्तं : निघण्टुपाठसमुपेतं : दुर्गाचार्यकृत-ऋज्वर्थाख्यवृत्त्या समवेतम्
भडकमकरोपाभिधेन महादेवसूनुना हरिणा टिप्पण्यादिभिर्मण्डितम् ; तद्भ्रात्रीयेण गोविन्दात्मजेन रामकृष्णेन संशोधितम्
भाण्डारकरप्राच्यविद्यामन्दिरम् 1985 Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 73
1. भागः
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- Kāvyālaṅkāra-sāra-saṅgraha of Udbhaṭa : with the commentary, the Laghuvr̥tti of Indurāja
edited with introduction, notes, appendices etc. by Narayana Daso Banhatti
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 1982 2nd ed Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 79
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- प्राकृत-व्याकरणम् : आचार्यश्रीहेमचन्द्रविरचितस्य सिद्धहेमचन्द्राभिधस्य शब्दानुशासनस्य प्रकाशिकानामस्वोपज्ञवृत्तिसहितस्याष्टमोऽध्यायः = Prakrit grammar : the eighth adhyāya of Siddha-hema-śabdānuśāsana
by Hemacandra, with his own commentary, Prakāśikā
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 1980 Rev. ed. / with notes and index of Prakrit words by P.L. Vaidya Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 60 ; Appendix
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- The Naiṣkarmya-siddhi of Sureśvarācārya : with the Candrikā of Jñānottama
edited with notes and index by G.A. Jacob ; revised edition with introduction and explanatory notes by M. Hiriyanna
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 1980 4th ed Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 38
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- Tarka-bhāṣā of Keśava Miśra with the commentary, Tarkabhāṣāprakāśikā of Cinnaṁbhaṭṭa
edited by Devadaita Ramkrishna Bhandarkar and Pandit Kedranath, Sáhityabhūṣaṇa
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 1979 2nd ed Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series No. 84
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- न्यायकोशः : सकलशास्त्रोपकारकन्यायादिशास्त्रीयपदार्थप्रकाशकः
भीमाचार्येण विरचितः
भाण्डारकरप्राच्यविद्यासंशोधनमन्दिर 1978 [4. संस्करण] / अभ्यंकरोपाह्व-वासुदेवशास्त्रिणा समुपबृंहितः संशोधितश्च Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 49
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- Hymns from the R̥gveda
edited with Sāyaṇa's commentary, notes, and a translation by Peter Peterson
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 1974 8th ed. being reprint of the 7th Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 36
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- Peterson's second selection of hymns from the R̥gveda
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 1972 4th ed. / seen through press by V.G. Paranjpe Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series 58
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- Mālatī-Mādhava of Bhavabhūti : with the commentary of Jagaddhara
edited with notes, critical and explanatory, by Ramkrishna Gopal Bhandarkar
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 1970 3rd ed. / rev. with additional notes by Vasudev Vishnu Mirashi Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 15
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- Tarka-saṁgraha of Annaṁbhaṭṭa : with the author's own Dīpikā, and Govardhana's Nyāya-bodhinī
edited with critical and explanatory notes by Yashwant Vasudev Athalye ; together with introductory and English translation of the text by Mahadev Rajaram Bodas
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 1963 2nd ed. 2nd impression, rev. and enl Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 55
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- सुभाषितावलिः
वल्लभदेवसंगृहीता ; पीटर् पीटर्सनाख्येन, पण्डितदुर्गाप्रसादेन च संशोधिता उपोद्धातटिप्पण्यनुक्रमणिकादिभिर्भूषिता च
भाण्डारकरप्राच्यविद्यासंशोधनमन्दिर 1961 2. आवृत्तिः / करमरकरोपाह्वेन दामोदरात्मजेन रघुनाथेन संशोधिता Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 31
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- Prakrit grammar : the eighth adhyāya of Siddha-Hema-Śabdānuśāsana : Hemacandra's Prakrit grammar with his own commentary, Prakāśikā = प्राकृत-व्याकरणम् : आचार्यश्रीहेमचन्द्रविरचितस्य सिद्धहेमचन्द्राभिधस्य शब्दानुशासनस्य प्रकाशिकानामस्वोपज्ञवृत्तिसहितस्याष्टमोऽध्यायः
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 1958 Rev. ed. / with notes and index of Prakrit words by P.L. Vaidya Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 60 ; Appendix
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- श्रीमद्यास्काचार्यप्रणीतं निरुक्तं : निघण्टुपाठसमुपेतं : दुर्गाचार्यकृत-ऋज्वर्थाख्यवृत्त्या समवेतम्
भडकमकरोपाभिधेन गोविन्दात्मजेन रामकृष्णेन टिप्पण्यादिभिर्मण्डितम्
भाण्डारकरप्राच्यविद्यासंशोधनमन्दिरम् 1942 1st ed Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 85
2. भागः
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- केशवमिश्रविरचिता तर्कभाषा : चिन्नंभट्टविरचितया तर्कभाषाप्रकाशिकाख्यया टीकया परिष्कृता
भाण्डारकरकुलोत्पन्नेन रामकृष्णात्मजेन देवदत्तेन, पण्डितकेदारनाथेन च संशोधिता
भाण्डारकरप्राच्यविद्यासंशोधनमन्दिराधिकारिभिः प्रकाशिता 1937 1st ed Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 84
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- कुमारपालचरितं, नाम प्रकृतद्व्यश्रयकाव्यम् : पूर्णकलशगणिविरचितया टीकया परिशिष्टे च सिद्धहैमव्याकरणस्याष्टमाध्यायेन सहितम्
आचार्यश्रीहेमचन्द्रविरचितं ; पण्डिताभिधानेन पाण्डुरङ्गसूनुना शंकरेण संपादितम्
भाण्डारकरप्राच्यविद्यासंशोधनमन्दिराधिकारिभिः 1936 तस्येदं 2. संस्करणं / वैद्योपाह्वेन परशुरामशर्मणा संशोधितम् Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 60
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- Syādvādamañjarī
Malliṣeṇasūripraṇītā ; Hemacandrasūrinirmitānyayogavyacaccheda-dvātriṃśikāstavanaṭīkārūpā ; Ānandaśaṅkara Bāpubhāī Dhruvaśarmaṇā,saṃśodhitā upoddhāta-vivaraṇa-pariśiṣṭādiparikaraiḥ prasādhya ca sampāditā= Syādvādamañjarī of Mallṣeṇa : with the Anyayoga-Vyavaccheda-Dvātriṃśika of Hemacandra / edited with introduction, notes and appendices by A. B. Dhruva
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 1933 Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 83
[text] , [note]
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- स्याद्वादमञ्जरी : श्रीहेमचन्द्रसूरिनिर्मितान्ययोगव्यवच्छेदद्वात्रिंशिकास्तवनटीकारूपा
मल्लिषेणसूरिप्रणीता ; आनन्दशङ्कर बापुभाई ध्रुवशर्मणा संशोधिता, उपोद्घात-विवरण-परिशिष्टादिपरिकलैः प्रसाध्य च संपादिता
भाण्डारकरप्राच्यविद्यासंशोधनमन्दिरः 1933 1st ed Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 83
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- Tarka-saṁgraha of Annambhaṭṭa : with the author's own dīpikā, and Govardhana's nyāya-bodhinī
edited with critical and explanatory notes by Yashwant Vasudev Athalye ; together with introduction and English translation of the text by Mahadev Rajaram Bodas
Bhandarkar Institute : Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 1930 2nd ed. re-impression, rev. and enl Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 55
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- श्रीवासिष्ठधर्मशास्त्रम् = Aphorisms on the sacred law of the Āryas, as taught in the school of Vasiṣṭha
by Alois Anton Führer
B.O.R.I. [i.e. Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute] 1930 3rd ed Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series no. 23
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