The role of case in Russian syntax


The role of case in Russian syntax

Carol Neidle

(Studies in natural language and linguistic theory, 10)

Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1988

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 45



Revision of the author's thesis--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1982

Bibliography: p. 200-207

Includes indexes



This manuscript is a revision of my 1982 MIT dissertation of the same name. A previous version of sections of chapters 1 and 5 appeared as 'Case Agreement in Russian', in The Mental Representation of Gram- matical Relations, edited by Joan Bresnan, MIT Press, 1983. I am grateful to MIT Press for permission to reproduce parts of that article here. I would like to express my appreciation to Catherine V. Chvany, who has read several versions of this manuscript over the years, and provided encouragement and invaluable comments. Thanks go also to Johanna Nichols whose careful reading and useful suggestions have improved the book. I am also deeply grateful to Joan Bresnan, Ken Hale, Morris Halle, Beth Levin, and Jane Simpson for helpful discussions of the material contained herein. For sharing their native intuitions, special thanks go to Alina Israeli, Boris Katz, and Evgenij Pinsky, and to Liza Chernyak, Volodja Gitin, Victoria Koff, Larissa Levin, Victoria Schiller, and Elena Semeka-Pankra- tova. Joyce Friedman, Beth Levin, and Jane Simpson kindly provided assistance with bibliographical references and proofreading. This manuscript was prepared using the computer facilities at Boston University, and lowe a large debt of gratitude to the following people for providing access to equipment and technical assistance: William H. Henneman, Philip Budne, Barry Shein, and Paul Blanchard. IX INTRODUCTION The study of case, once primarily of interest to philologists, has only recently begun to receive the attention it deserves from syntacticians.


1. Overview of Case in Russian.- 1. Case in Russian.- 2. The Representation of Case.- 3. Assignment of Case.- 3.1. Phrase Structure Annotations.- 3.2. Case Assignment by Prepositions.- 3.3. Russian Phrase Structure Rules.- 3.4. Summary.- 4. The Case of Adjectives.- 5. Agreement.- 5.1. Features: Number, Gender, Person, and Case.- 5.2. Concord.- 5.3. Animacy.- 5.4. An Apparent Agreement Paradox.- 6. Second Predicate Modifiers.- 2. Object Case Marking and The Genitive of Negation.- 1. Lexically Governed Alternation.- 1.1. Semantic Considerations.- 1.2. Historical Evolution.- 1.3. Formal Account.- 1.3.1. Natural Semantic Class.- 1.3.2. Alternation and Case Features.- 2. Genitive of Negation.- 2.1. Semantic Considerations.- 2.2. Historical Evolution.- 2.3. Formal Account.- 2.3.1. Scope-Marking.- 2.3.2. Scope of Negation: Interpretation.- 3. Distinct Mechanisms for Genitive Marking.- 3.1. Null Q?.- 3.2. Sources of Genitive Marking.- 3.2.1. Partitive Genitive.- 3.2.2. Genitive of Negation.- 3.2.3. Distinct Processes.- 4. Other Types of Negation.- 4.1. Net.- 4.2. Constituent Negation.- 5. Scope, Interpretation, and Distribution of [+Q].- 5.1. Formal Representation.- 5.2. Genitive Case Marking and Scope.- 5.3. Other Correlations with Genitive Marking.- 5.3.1. Individuation.- 5.3.2. Morphological Tendencies.- 6. Accusative/Genitive Alternation and Polarity Sensitivity.- 7. The Feature [Q] and Semantics.- 8. Summary.- 3. Apparent Genitive Subjects Within the Scope of Negation.- 1. Demotion.- 2. Do Genitive Subjects Exist?.- 2.1. Agreement.- 2.2. Gerund Constructions.- 2.3. Reflexives.- 2.4. Word Order.- 3. Formalization of the Rule of Demotion.- 3.1. Predictions: Transitive Verbs.- 3.2. Further Consequences of Demotion.- 3.3. Interaction with Other Lexical Redundancy Rules.- 3.3.1. Passive Forms.- 3.3.2. -sja Forms.- 3.4. Non-demoted Subjects.- 3.5. Genitive Marking and Grammatical Functions.- 3.6. Indefiniteness.- 4. Numeral Phrases and Quantifier Phrases.- 1. Numeral Phrases.- 1.1. Russian Numeral Paradigms.- 1.2. Numerals greater than 1.- 1.2.1. The Constituency of Numeral Phrases.- 1.2.2. Distribution of Numeral Phrases.- 1.3. Numerals ending in 1.- 2. Quantifier Phrases.- 2.1. Other Quantifiers.- 2.2. Those Several Strange Phrases.- 3. Disagreement about Non-agreeing Phrases.- 3.1. Subjecthood and Agreement.- 3.1.1. Agreement.- 3.1.2. Gerunds.- 3.1.3. Reflexives.- 3.1.4. Word Order.- 3.1.5. Transitivity.- 3.2. Numeric Quantifiers and Agreement Features.- 3.2.1. Numbers Greater than 4.- 3.2.2. Small Numbers.- 3.3. Conclusion.- 4. One Million.- 5. Summary.- 5. Subject Case Marking and Case Agreement of Modifiers.- 1. Data.- 1.1. Second Predicates.- 1.2. Odin and Sam.- 1.3. Second Predicate within Infinitival Clauses.- 1.3.1. Second Nominative with Subjective Infinitives.- 1.3.2. Second Dative with Objective Infinitives.- 1.3.3. Second Dative with Overt Complementizers.- 1.3.4. Second Dative with Passive.- 2. Adjuncts and Complements.- 2.1. Restrictions on the Distribution of Odin and Sam.- 2.2. Subjects of Non-tensed Clauses.- 3. Agreement and Control Relations.- 3.1. Grammatical Control.- 3.1.1. Agreement of Adjuncts and Grammatical Control.- 3.1.2. Object Control.- 3.2. Overt Complementizers.- 3.3. Other Cases of Control.- 3.4. Conclusions about Grammatical and Anaphoric Control.- 3.5. More Control Restrictions.- 4. Comparison with Alternative Accounts.- 5. Conclusions.- 6. Consequences for a Theory of Case.- 1. Long-Distance Phenomena and Control Relations.- 1.1. The Genitive of Negation Reconsidered.- 1.2. Case and Control.- 2. Toward a Theory of Russian Case.- 2.1. The Direct Case Condition.- 2.2. Government vs. Concord.- 2.3. Distribution of Prepositional Phrases.- 3. LFG and the Theory of Case.- 3.1. Structural and Lexical Case Assignment.- 3.2. Direct Case and Optionality.- 4. Conclusions.- Appendix I: Abbreviations and Transliteration.- 1. List of Abbreviations for Sentence Glosses.- 2. Transliteration.- Appendix II: Declension Paradigms.- Appendix III: Lexical Functional Grammar.- 1. Organization.- 2. Phrase Structure Rules.- 3. Lexical Entries.- 4. Lexical Redundancy Rules.- 5. Functional Well-Formedness.- 6. Possible Rules.- 7. Theory of Control and Complementation.- 7.1. Complements vs. Adjuncts.- 7.2. Open Complements.- 7.3. Open Adjuncts.- 7.4. Closed Complements.- 7.5. Closed Adjuncts.- 7.6. The Constituency of Complements.- Index of Names.- Index of Subjects.

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