
Vermont townscape

by Norman Williams, Jr., Edmund H. Kellogg, Peter M. Lavigne

Center for Urban Policy Research, c1987

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references



The Center for Urban Policy Research takes pride in presenting this book. In our opinion learning from its example is of first priority.The Vermont town at its best is an ideal vision for much of the country. It is a living artifact - appealing to our sense of history and of place. Long in the making and often at risk, the harmony of plan, structure and setting has rarely been matched.This work is devoted to exploring the reality of the towns - how they came to be. It illustrates their successes and those that fell by the road - sometimes literally.The authors blend their broad range of experience in land use law, history, and architecture to provide insight of use and interest not only to "Vermonters," but all who work for better communities. The issues of aesthetic strictures versus private prosperity are complex; their successful resolution, however, is an enormously important prize. This book not only illustrates the issues and results - both good and bad - but also details guidance. As America's suburbs "thicken" in function and density, the virtues in life-style which they once embodied are endangered. The small towns of exurbia are now in the embrace of super highways and development. How do we learn from the past - not to simply replicate it, but rather to secure guidelines to a successful future?Design control and legal considerations are given special chapters to serve as a guide for future actions relevant to every community. In addition, Professor Wilhelm V. von Moltke has contributed a separate section on town plans. And all of this serves to enhance the meaning and importance of the many illustrations, The book is recommended to the practitioner and non-practitioner alike for sheer pleasure and insight.

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