Restructuring Britain
Sage Publications in association with the Open University , Hodder and Stoughton in association with the Open University
edited by James Anderson and Allan Cochrane
Hodder and Stoughton in association with the Open University 1989 Restructuring Britain
edited by Linda McDowell, Philip Sarre and Chris Hamnett
edited by Chris Hamnett, Linda McDowell and Philip Sarre
Sage in association with Open University 1989 Restructuring Britain
: pbk
edited by Allan Cochrane and James Anderson
Sage in association with the Open University 1989 Restructuring Britain
: pbk.
edited by Doreen Massey and John Allen
Hodder and Stoughton in association with the Open University 1988 Restructuring Britain
edited by John Allen and Doreen Massey
Sage Publications in association with the Open University 1988 Restructuring Britain