Physics of narrow gap semiconductors : proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Physics of Narrow Gap Semiconductors, held at Linz, Austria, September 14-17, 1981


Physics of narrow gap semiconductors : proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Physics of Narrow Gap Semiconductors, held at Linz, Austria, September 14-17, 1981

edited by E. Gornik, H. Heinrich, and L. Palmetshofer

(Lecture notes in physics, 152)

Springer-Verlag, 1982

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  • : us

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 47




Narrow gap semiconductors - the state op the art.- Growth of some important narrow gap semiconductors.- Electrical transport and magnetic properties of MAs3 (M = Ca,Sr,Eu,Ba), ?- and ?-EuP3 and their alloys.- Tm1?xEuxSe: New narrow gap magnetic semiconductors.- Electronic properties of KxRb1?xAu , an indirect small gap semiconductor.- Growth of Sb2Te3 single crystals by hot-wall-epitaxy.- THM growth of PbTe.- Misfit strain in epitaxial IV-VI semiconductor films.- Structure defects in Pb 1-xSnxTe solid solution heterocompositions.- Influence of impurity doping on the electrical properties of LPE grown Pb1?xSnxTe and PbSeyTe1?y.- Plasma reflection spectrum of the Pb 1?xSnxTe inhomogeneous layers and vapour transport process of Pb 1?xSnxTe.- Molecular beam epitaxy of CdTe and CdxHg1?xTe.- The investigation of the second phase in Hg1?xCdxTe crystals.- Structural and electrical properties of as grown CdxHg1?xTe epitaxial layers deposited by cathodic sputtering.- Interfacial energy bands for narrow-gap semiconductors.- 2D-subbands in III-V and narrow-gap semiconductors.- Giant nonlinearities, optical bistability and the optical transistor in narrow-gap semiconductors.- Pulse width dependent nonlinear absorption in small gap semiconductors.- Photo-hall measurements of high-density photoexcited electrons in Hg1?x CdxTe.- The photoluminescence study of CdxHg1?xTe alloys.- Plasmon-assisted recombination in narrow-gap semiconductors in a magnetic field.- Calculation of the Auger lifetime in degenerate n-type (Hg,Cd)Te.- Excess carrier lifetime in Hg1?xCdxTe by population modulation spectroscopy.- Laser threshold and recombination in Pb1?xSnxTe AND PbS1?xSex.- Optical studies of a high density electron-hole plasma iN PbTe.- Far infrared optical properties of Cd3P2 AND Cd3As2.- A new broadband near-millimeter wave detector using mercury-cadmium-telluride.- Non-linear magneto-optics in InSb pumped by A c.w. CO LASER.- Far-infrared studies of the bound and free carriers in n-InSb as a function of hydrostatic pressure.- High resolution magneto-optical studies of free and bound hole excitations in InSb.- Two-photon spectroscopy in InSb with cw CO2 Lasers.- Uniaxial-stress-enhanced electron spin resonance in InSb.- Optical four-wave mixing in pbte epitaxial layers.- Spin-flip resonances in cadmium arsenide.- Peculiarities of the band structure of HgSe and mixed crystals Hg1?xCdxSe from the interband magnet absorption.- Bandstructure of Pb1?xGexTe in the C3v - Phase.- Band structure of cubic and rhombohedral GeTe.- Dielectric properties of (Pb,Sn,Ge)Te-influences of defects.- Phase transitions and optical properties of IV-VI compounds.- Lattice dynamics and phase transitions in IV-VI compounds.- Pseudopotential approach to total energy calculations in narrow GAP semiconductors.- Lattice dynamics and phase transitions in IV-VI semiconducting compounds.- Composition and carrier concentration dependence of structural instabilities in PbTe-SnTe alloys.- Phonon and electrical resistivity anomalies at the displacive phase transition in Pb 1?XSnXTe and Pb 1?XGeXTe.- Coupled phase transitions in Pb1?xGexTe.- A neutron scattering study of lattice dynamics of HgTe and HgSe.- New aspects of the material and device technology of intrinsic infrared photodetectors.- HgCdTe liquid phase epitaxial growth technology.- Lattice-matched PbSnTe/PbTeSe heterostructure device technology.- Lead chalcogenide diode lasers: State of the art and applications.- Magnetic properties of semimagnetic semiconductors.- Magnetization of narrow gap semimagnetic semiconductors Hg1?xMnxTe AND Hg1?xMnxSe.- Microwave and far infrared magnetotransmission studies in Hg1?xMnxSe.- Acceptor states in semimagnetic semiconductors in a magnetic field.- Magneto-optical studies of quaternary semimagnetic semiconductor alloys Hg1?x?yCdxMnyTe.- Infrared magnetoabsorption in zero gap Hg1?xFexTe and Hg1?xFexSe mixed crystals.- The quantum transport and the magnetic levels in Pb1?xMnxTe.- Shubnikov-de Haas effects in (Cd1?xMnx)3As2 alloys.- Theory of magnetic susceptibility of narrow gap semiconductors.- Advances in synthesized superlattices.- Electronic properties of graphite intercalation compounds.- Comparison of transport properties in various semimetals systems.- Optical properties of PbTe-Pb1?xSnxTe superlattices prepared by a hot wall technique.- Screening of impurities in strong magnetic fields and its influence on the transverse conductivity.- Anomalous behaviour of the magnetoresistance of Hg1?xCdxTe in the extreme quantum limit.- Stationary and time-resolved magnetotransport in n-TYPE Hg0.8Cd0.2Te and n-type InSb in the extreme magnetic quantum limit.- Modification of the classical magnetic freeze-out manifestations in n-type Hg1?xCdxTe(x > 18%) due to the presence of resonant levels.- Ionized-defect-scattering mobility in n-PbTe.- High pressure electron mobility in low electron concentration InSb samples at 77K.- Shubnikov de Haas oscillations in Cd3?xZnxAs2 alloys.- Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3 single crystals doped with Sn atoms.- Ultrasonic anomaly near zero-gap state in CdxHgl1?xSe.- Size effects in thin semimetal wires.- Pressure spectroscopy of localized levels.- First order phase transition of Hall coefficient versus magnetic field, under hydrostatic pressure due to freeze-out on acceptor state in Hg0.836Cd0.164Te.- Nonradiative recombination at deep impurity levels in p-type Hg1-xCdxTe.- On the thermodynamic instability of n-type HgCdTe, and on acceptor levels, transport properties, and liftime of p-type HgCdTe.- Ion-implantation-induced defect levels in Pb1?xSnxTe.- Photoluminescence CF Pb1?xSnxTe (x ? 0.2) crystals doped with Cd and In.- Energy levels of native defects in n-Pb1-xSnxSe.- Localized "deep" defect states in PbSexTe1?x mixed crystals.- Strong coupling between the resonant state and the crystal lattice in n-InSb.- Binding energies of charged impurity centres in narrow gap materials with large lattice polarizability.- The widening application of narrow-gap semiconductors - closing address at the 4th international conference on the physics of narrow-gap semiconductors.

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  • ISBN
    • 3540111913
    • 0387111913
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xi, 485 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名
  • 親書誌ID