Geometrical and topological methods in gauge theories : proceedings of the Canadian Mathematical Society Summer Research Institute, McGill University, Montréal, September 3-8, 1979


Geometrical and topological methods in gauge theories : proceedings of the Canadian Mathematical Society Summer Research Institute, McGill University, Montréal, September 3-8, 1979

edited by J. P. Harnad and S. Shnider

(Lecture notes in physics, vol. 129)

Springer-Verlag, c1980

  • : gw
  • : us

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 64



Includes bibliographical references and index



Physical effects of instantons.- Some aspects of instantons.- The interpretation of Higgs fields as Yang Mills fields.- Topological and phenomenological aspects of gravity and supergravity.- Bifurcation and stability in Yang-Mills theory with sources.- On the long-range interaction of topologically charged monopoles.- Interaction of superconducting vortices.- On groups of gauge transformations.- Construction of gauge fields from initial data.- Some solutions of the Einstein-Yang-Mills equations.- Some invariant solutions to the Yang-Mills equations in the presence of scalar fields in Minkowski space.- Graded Riemannian geometry and graded fibre bundles, a context for local super-gauge theories.- Metric and connection theories of gravity: The gauge theories of spacetime symmetry.

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