Current issues in the phonetic sciences : proceedings of the IPS-77 Congress, Miami Beach, Florida, 17-19th December 1977
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Current issues in the phonetic sciences : proceedings of the IPS-77 Congress, Miami Beach, Florida, 17-19th December 1977
(Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science, Series 4 . Current issues in linguistic theory ; v. 9)
J. Benjamins, 1979
- pt. 1
- pt. 2
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Includes bibliographical references
Description and Table of Contents
- Volume
pt. 1 ISBN 9789027209108
Table of Contents
- 1. Editor's foreword
- 2. List of congress sponsors, committees and other organizational matters
- 3. Part I: A. History of phonetics
- 4. Ancient arab and muslim phoneticians: An appraisal of their contribution to phonetics (by Bakalla, Muhammad Hasan)
- 5. Phonetics and other disciplines: then and now (by Bronstein, Arthur J.)
- 6. Toward a historiography of phonetics (by Koerner, E.F.K.)
- 7. Giulio Panconcelli-Calzias Beitrag zur geschichte der phonetik (by Koester, Jens-Peter)
- 8. Looking back: memories of 40 years in phonetics (by Moses, Elbert R.)
- 9. B. Issues of method and theory in phonetics
- 10. On the necessity of the introduction of technical principles into instrumental-phonetic investigation (by Baitchura, Uzbek)
- 11. Some control components of a speech production model (by Bladon, R.A.W.)
- 12. Phonetic aspects of lingua-informatics (by Krasheninnikova, E.A.)
- 13. Dimension statistique de la structure linguistique et distinction phonetique/phonologie (by Mahmoudian, Morteza)
- 14. Linguistics and systems theory (by Mehan, Mehra M.)
- 15. Some problems in phonetic theory (by Tatham, Marcel A.A.)
- 16. C. Laryngeal function
- 17. Caracteristique de forme de l'onde de debit des cordes vocales: productions vocaliques (by Boe, Louis-Jean)
- 18. Laryngeal patterns of consonant productions in sentence observed with an impedance glottograph (by Chollet, Gerard F.)
- 19. Physiological functions of the larynx in phonetic control (by Fujimura, Osamu)
- 20. A cross language study of laryngeal adjustment in consonant production (by Hirose, Hajime)
- 21. Quantitative analysis of chant in relation to normal phonation and vocal fry (by Large, John)
- 22. Jointure et activite glottale (by Petursson, Magnus)
- 23. Instrumental measurement of phonetion types: A laryngographic contribution (by Roach, Peter J.)
- 24. Variations of pitch and intensity with pre-phonatory laryngeal adjustments (by Titze, Ingo R.)
- 25. Physical and physiological dimensions of intrinsic voice quality (by Titze, Ingo R.)
- 26. D. Temporal factors and questions of intonation
- 27. Applied prosodic analysis: A pedagogical model for english and german intonation (by Anderson, Keith O.)
- 28. Rhythm and pause as means of expression in the japanese arts of storytelling, with special regard to rakugo (by Balkenhol, Heinz)
- 29. Artistic vocal communication at the prosodic level (by Fonagy, Ivan)
- 30. Syllabic division and the intonation of common slavic (by Galton, Herbert)
- 31. Processes in the development of speech timing slavic (by Hawkins, Sarah)
- 32. An acoustical/temporal analysis of the effect of situational stress on speech (by Hicks, Jr., J.W.)
- 33. A statistical approach to the problem of isochrony in spoken british english (by Hill, D.R.)
- 34. Intonation through visualization (by James, E.F.)
- 35. Tonal spelling (by Jou, Bienming)
- 36. Quelques problemes poses par l'elaboration de regles predictives de l'intonation (by L'Hote, Elisabeth)
- 37. Prephonological views on the history of english syllable accents (by Liberman, Anatoly)
- 38. Syllable timing in spanish, english, and finnish (by Oller, D. Kimbrough)
- 39. Le registre melodique de l'attaque dans un parler franco-ontarien (by Szmidt, Yvette)
- 40. "Melodie-language" des chorals de Jean-Sebastien Bach (by Ferrand Vidal, Anne-Marie)
- 41. Temproal cues in french intervocalic stops (by Wajskop, Max)
- 42. Principes d'une methode d'enseignement de la prononciation de francais a partir du rythme de la langue parlee non meridionale (by Wioland, Francois)
- 43. E. Physiological and acoustic phonetics
- 44. Description of an Electropalatographic system (by Autesserre, D.)
- 45. Inadequacies in phonetic specifications of some latyngeal features: evidence from hindi (by Dixit, R. Prakash)
- 46. Vocalic variability in palatographic impressions (by Sara, Solomon I.)
- 47. A new portable type unit for electropalatography (by Shibata, Seiji)
- 48. Aspiration in Scottish gealic stop consonants (by Shuken, Cynthia R.)
- 49. The effect on formant patterns of differential volumetric change in the oral cavity (by Vig, Peter S.)
- 50. Characteristics of oral air flow during plosive consonant production by hearing-impaired speakers (by Whitehead, Robert L.)
- 51. F. Speech production
- 52. the production and recognition of sounds in english words spoken by young japanese adults (by Black, John W.)
- 53. The production of laterals: some acoustic properties and their physiological implications (by Bladon, R.A.W.)
- 54. African click sounds: early descriptions and symbols (by Breckwoldt, G.H.)
- 55. Nasal consonant epenthesis in 'southern' french (by Detrich, E. Dean)
- 56. An instrumental investigation of coarticulation in stop consonant sequences (by Hardcastle, William J.)
- 57. Standardisation vs. diversification dans la pronounciation du francais contemporain (by Leon, Pierre R.)
- 58. On vowel-diphthong transitions (by Lipski, John M.)
- 59. Speech across a linguistic boundary: category naming and phonetic description (by Lisker, Leigh)
- 60. Comparative analysis of syllable and accent between english and japanese (by Sakow, William A.)
- 61. Original vowels in african languages (by Stopa, Roman)
- 62. Vowel length in micmac and malecite (by Szabo, Laszlo)
- 63. Part II: G. Neurophonetics and psychopathology
- 64. Differential diagnosis of neurologic and psychogenic voice disorders (by Aronson, Arnold E.)
- 65. Speech studies in psychiatric populations (by Darby, John K.)
- 66. Acoustic comparisons of psychotic and non-psychotic voices (by Hollien, Harry)
- 67. The physiology of cerebellar involvement in motor control (by Jeneskog, Torgny)
- 68. Neural mechanism in speech productions (by MacNeilage, Peter F.)
- 69. Impairment of verbal and non-verbal oral movements after left hemisphere damage (by Mateer, Catherine A.)
- 70. Psychiatric implications of speech disorder (by Ostwald, Peter F.)
- 71. Phonetic indications of psychopathology (by Rousey, Clyde L.)
- 72. Cerebellar involvement in motor control: a concept (by Soderberg, Carl-Gustaf)
- 73. H. Speech perception
- 74. On the recognition of isolated spanish vowels (by Borzone de Manrique, Ana Maria)
- 75. Experiments in voice confrontation (by Breckwoldt, G.H.)
- 76. The effects of several linguistic factors on the magnitude of error in the location of extraneous sounds embedded in speech (by Bull, Glen L.)
- 77. Normalization influenceeees in the perception of speech (by LaRiviere, Conrad)
- 78. Some physiological interpretations of the perception: Implications of an experiment on the perception of segmented speech (by Oakeshott-Taylor, John)
- 79. Perception of speech features by persons with hearing impairment (by Pickett, James M.)
- 80. Auditory phonetics (by Pilch, Herbert)
- 81. The effect of labov's five phonological variables on perceived listener judgement (by Ronson, Irwin)
- 82. Cross-language differences in the perceptual use of voicing cues (by Serniclaes, Willy)
- 83. Intelligibility of time-altered sentenial messages as a function of contralateral masking (by Ort, Debra M. van)
- 84. The perception of distinctive features (by Viel, Michel)
- 85. I. Speech and speaker recognition
- 86. Some steps in performance evaluation of the dawid speech recognition system (by Glave, R.D.)
- 87. The effect of disguise on speaker identification from sound spectrograms (by Houlihan, Kathleen)
- 88. Speaker identification by Wojciech Majewski, Janusz Zalewski, and Harry Hollien: Some remarks on different speaker identification techniques (by Johnson, Jr., Charles C.)
- 89. Further analysis of talkers with similar sounding voices (by Rothman, Howard B.)
- 90. Preliminary data on dialect in speech disguise (by Tate, Donna A.)
- 91. An objective method of voice identification (by Tosi, Oscar)
- 92. J. The teaching of phonetics
- 93. Phonetics and second language teaching in Africa (by Bennett, F.O.)
- 94. teaching beginning phonetics in the united states: some basic considerations (by Brown, Jacqueline L.)
- 95. Non-english phone imitation and general academic and IPA transcription performance by monolingual adults (by Haller, Raphael M.)
- 96. the teaching of english phonetics in the U.S.A.: issues related to speech pathology and theatre (by Lawrence, Telete Zorayda)
- 97. the teaching of english phonetics in the U.S.A.: foreign dialects (by O'Brien, Audrey)
- 98. Teaching phonetics in the voice and diction course (by Owens, Betty R.)
- 99. The teaching of english phoneetics in the United states (by Singh, Sadanah)
- 100. A perception test as a diagnostic tool in teaching german pronunciation (by Weiss, Rudolf)
- 101. K. Children's speech and language acquisition
- 102. Development of 'nuclear accent' marking in children's phrases (by Allen, George D.)
- 103. Trochaic rhythm in children's speech (by Allen, George D.)
- 104. Supraglottal air pressure variations associated with consonant productions by children (by Brown, Jr., W.S.)
- 105. An indicator of the onset of puberty in males (by Doherty, E. Thomas)
- 106. Some competencies influencing phoneme acquisition in children (by Haller, Raphael M.)
- 107. Timing relationships and strategies used by normal speaking children in the self-regulation of speaking rate (by Healy, E. Charles)
- 108. What the child's perception of the word-final obstruent cognates tells us about hiss perceptual mastery of english phonology (by Williamson Higgs, Jo Ann)
- 109. A right ear effect for auditory feedback contro of children's newly- acquired phonemes (by Manning, Walter H.)
- 110. An examination of the articulatory acquisition of swedisch phonemes (by Ritterman, Stuart I.)
- 111. Observer reliability in making impressionistic judgments of early vocalization (by Stockman, Ida J.)
- 112. Interference and the persistence of articulatory responses (by Winitz, Harris)
- 113. L. Special issues in phonetics
- 114. Transcription of the american /r/ (by Allen, George D.)
- 115. Alphabets, orthographies, and the influence of social historical factors (by Baitchura, Uzbek)
- 116. Visible speech Cues and sndhi variation rules in french (by Belasco, Simon)
- 117. Effects of masking on subvocal speech and short-term memory (by Hamre, Curt)
- 118. The effects of masking on apraxia: evidence from spectrographic data (by Hamre, Curt)
- 119. Experiments and observation made using a real-time spectrum analyzer (RTA): One formant vowels and formant merger (by Iivonen, Antti)
- 120. Speech synthesis by rule using the fove program (by Ingeman, Frances)
- 121. On the history of quantity in germanic (by Liberman, Anatoly)
- 122. Automatic location of stressed syllabels in french (by Martin, Philippe)
- 123. Acoustic cues and consonant clusters (by Parker, Frank)
- 124. Phonetic and interdisciplinary new perspectives in paralinguistic studies (by Poyatos, Fernando)
- 125. Interactions between intensity glides and frequency glissandos (by Rossi, Mario)
- 126. La fusion des voyelles en frontieres inter-syntagmatiques et intra-syntagmatiques (by Santerre, Laurent)
- 127. Speculations on an contact-induced phonological change in gallo-italian (by Saunders, Gladys E.)
- 128. A short memory strategy with distinctive features (by Stewart, James Monroe)
- 129. The analysis of the combinations of distinctive sounds (by Tataru, Ana)
- 130. La spectrographie et la segmantation acoustique au service de la poetique experimetale: Des analyses fondees sur le dictionnaire de poetique et de rhetorique de Henri Morrier (ed. de 1975) (by Vater, Sibylle)
- 131. Prosodic features and speech acts (by Voroniuc, Areta)
- Volume
pt. 2 ISBN 9789027209115
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