Statistical tables for the social, biological, and physical sciences
Statistical tables for the social, biological, and physical sciences
Cambridge University Press, 1982
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全10件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Bibliography: p. 3
This is practical compilation of tables required for the usual tests based on classical probability distributions and for the more commonly used distribution-free (non-paraetric) tests, which are important in the behavioural sciences. In addition to the tables there is a substantial amount of explanatory text with diagrams and examples. The treatment is non-mathematical and the nature and use of the tabulated functions is clearly explained. The usual (Neymann-Pearson) procedure for testing statistical hypotheses is simply described and numerical examples given. The tables have been designed for use with calculators, and, since most calculators have keys for logarithms, squares, square-roots and reciprocal, these functions have not been included. This, and the fact that maximum use has been made of the space available, has enabled the book to be compact while remaining fully comprehensive. The tables will be invaluable to students in the social, biological and physical sciences and also to more experienced workers who require a useful collection of tables that could previously only be found scattered among textbooks, much larger collections and in some cases only in the periodicals in which they were first published.
Statistical tables.
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