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Advanced book classics
Addison-Wesley , Perseus Books
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Advanced book classics series
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Published from Perseus Books in 1998
- K-theory
M.F. Atiyah ; notes by D.W. Anderson
Addison-Wesley, Advanced Book Program c1989 Advanced book classics
: pbk.
Available at 52 libraries
- Quantum statistical mechanics : Green's function methods in equilibrium and nonequilibrium problems
Leo P. Kadanoff, Gordon Baym
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., Advanced Book Program c1989 Advanced book classics
: hard , : pbk
Available at 30 libraries
- Unitary group representations in physics, probability, and number theory
George W. Mackey
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. c1989 Advanced book classics
Available at 25 libraries
- Conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics
Bernard d'Espagnat
Addison-Wesley, Advanced Book Program 1989 2nd ed Advanced book classics
Available at 17 libraries
- Structural stability and morphogenesis : an outline of a general theory of models
René Thom ; translated from the French edition, as updated by the author, by D.H. Fowler
Addison-Wesley, Advanced Book Program c1989 Advanced book classics
Available at 22 libraries
- Quantum mechanics
Kurt Gottfried
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., Advanced Book Program 1989- Advanced book classics
v. 1
Available at 13 libraries
- Statistical mechanics : rigorous results
David Ruelle
Addison-Wesley, Advanced Book Program c1989 Advanced book classics
Available at 26 libraries
- Ergodic problems of classical mechanics
V.I. Arnold, A. Avez
Addison-Wesley c1989 Advanced book classics
Available at 24 libraries
- Qualitative methods in quantum theory
A.B. Migdal ; translated from the Russian edition by Anthony J. Leggett
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., Advanced Book Program c1989 Advanced book classics
Available at 19 libraries
- Theory of nonneutral plasmas
Ronald C. Davidson
Addison-Wesley. The Advanced Book Program c1989 Advanced book classics
Available at 11 libraries
- An introduction to the theory of superfluidity
I.M. Khalatnikov ; translated from the Russian edition by Pierre C. Hohenberg
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. c1989 Advanced book classics
Available at 11 libraries
- Normal Fermi liquids
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. c1989 Advanced book classics . The theory of quantum liquids / David Pines,
Phillipe Nozières ; v. 1 : pbk
Available at 30 libraries
- Particles, sources, and fields
Julian Schwinger
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., Advanced Book Program c1989 Advanced book classics
Vol. 1 , Vol. 2 , Vol. 3
Available at 36 libraries
- The special theory of relativity
David Bohm
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., Advanced Book Program c1989 Advanced book classics
Available at 11 libraries
- Abelian L-adic representations and elliptic curves
Jean-Pierre Serre
Addison-Wesley, Advanced Book Program 1988 Advanced book classics
Available at 21 libraries
- Combustion theory : the fundamental theory of chemically reacting flow systems
Forman A. Williams
Westview Press c1985 2nd ed. Combustion,
science, and engineering series , Advanced book classics , Advanced book program : hbk , : pbk
Available at 8 libraries