Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics
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Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics
Rodopi, 1988-
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L & C
Language & computers
Language and computers : studies in digital linguistics
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Edited by Jan Aarts and Willem Meijs
Title of v. 79-: Language and computers : studies in digital linguistics
Rodopi was taken over by Brill
- Structuring lexical data and digitising dictionaries : grammatical theory, language processing and databases in historical linguistics
edited by Javier Martín Arista, Ana Elvira Ojanguren López
Brill c2025 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics v. 85
: hardback
Available at 5 libraries
- Language and chronology : text dating by machine learning
by Gregory Toner, Xiwu Han
Brill c2019 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics v. 84
: hardback
Available at 6 libraries
- From data to evidence in English language research
edited by Carla Suhr, Terttu Nevalainen, Irma Taavitsainen
Brill c2019 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics v. 83
: hardback
Available at 6 libraries
- Corpus linguistics and sociolinguistics : a study of variation and change in the modal systems of world Englishes
by Beke Hansen
Brill Rodopi c2018 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics v. 82
Available at 11 libraries
- Corpora and lexis
edited by Sebastian Hoffmann ... [et al.]
Brill Rodopi c2018 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics v. 81
: hardback
Available at 7 libraries
- Challenging the myth of monolingual corpora
edited by Arja Nurmi, Tanja Rütten, Päivi Pahta
Brill Rodopi c2017 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics v. 80
: hardback
Available at 6 libraries
- Corpus linguistics on the move : exploring and understanding English through corpora
edited by María José López-Couso ... [et al.]
Brill : Rodopi c2016 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics v. 79
: hardback
Available at 14 libraries
- Recent advances in corpus linguistics : developing and exploiting corpora
edited by Lieven Vandelanotte ... [et al.]
Rodopi 2014 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics no. 78
Available at 9 libraries
- English corpus linguistics : variation in time, space and genre : selected papers from ICAME 32
edited by Gisle Andersen and Kristin Bech
Rodopi 2013 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics no. 77
: [hbk.]
Available at 13 libraries
- English corpus linguistics : looking back, moving forward : papers from the 30th International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME 30), Lancaster, UK, 27-31 May 2009
edited by Sebastian Hoffmann, Paul Rayson, and Geoffrey Leech
Rodopi 2012 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics no. 74
: [hbk.]
Available at 8 libraries
- English corpus linguistics : crossing paths
edited by Merja Kytö
Rodopi 2012 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics no. 76
Available at 17 libraries
- Corpus linguistics and variation in English : theory and description
edited by Joybrato Mukherjee and Magnus Huber
Rodopi 2012 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics no. 75
Available at 17 libraries
- Corpus-based studies in language use, language learning, and language documentation
edited by John Newman, Harald Baayen and Sally Rice
Rodopi 2011 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics no. 73
Available at 7 libraries
- The progressive in modern English : a corpus-based study of grammaticalization and related changes
Svenja Kranich
Rodopi 2010 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics no. 72
Available at 24 libraries
- A resource-light approach to morpho-syntactic tagging
Anna Feldman and Jirka Hana
Rodopi 2010 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics no. 70
Available at 4 libraries
- Corpus-linguistic applications : current studies, new directions
edited by Stefan Th. Gries, Stefanie Wulff, Mark Davies
Rodopi 2010 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics no. 71
Available at 22 libraries
- Corpora : pragmatics and discourse : papers from the 29th International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME 29), Ascona, Switzerland, 14-18 May 2008
edited by Andreas H. Jucker, Daniel Schreier and Marianne Hundt
Rodopi 2009 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics no. 68
Available at 24 libraries
- Corpus linguistics : refinements and reassessments
edited by Antoinette Renouf and Andrew Kehoe
Rodopi 2009 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics no. 69
Available at 16 libraries
- Modals and quasi-modals in English
Peter Collins
Rodopi 2009 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics no. 67
Available at 24 libraries
- Linking up contrastive and learner corpus research
edited by Gaëtanelle Gilquin, Szilvia Papp and María Belén Díez-Bedmar
Rodopi 2008 Language and computers : studies in practical linguistics no. 66
Available at 14 libraries