Controlling automated manufacturing systems
Controlling automated manufacturing systems
(New technology modular series)
K. Page, 1986
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全7件
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Bibliography: p. 107-108
Includes index
Master production scheduling II 60 On-line scheduling 65 Specific data requirements 69 Mailbox approaches 70 Conclusion 72 Chapter 7: Cell Level Control 75 Introduction 75 CCS classification 77 What is a cell? 78 CCS operational modes 80 Conclusion 86 Chapter 8: Equipment Level Control 89 Introduction 89 What is meant by equipment? 90 Equipment level control structure 92 Conclusion 94 Chapter 9: Conclusion and Future Trends 95 Overall production planning and control functions 98 Future trends 100 Conclusion 102 Appendix I: Master Production Scheduling II 103 References 107 Index 109 Preface This book is intended as an introduction to production planning and control of automated manufacturing systems. As such, it links together two diverse fields of interest: in the area of production planning and control there is a large body of work completed in analytical models, computer structures and overall systems; equally, for the hardware and detailed control aspects of the equipment used (for example, NC machines, robots, etc), comprehensive studies have also been completed. To cover each area fully would result in a work of several volumes.
Instead, this book stresses the important elements of both areas that are vital to effective production planning and control of the whole automated manufacturing system.
1: Introduction.- What is an automated manufacturing system?.- Why is production planning and control important?.- 2: Automated Manufacturing Systems and Production Planning and Control.- Factors affecting production planning and control.- Conclusion.- 3: Traditional Production Planning and Control.- Planning hierarchy.- Master production scheduling (MPS): medium term.- Materials requirements planning (MRP).- Job shop scheduling: short term.- Conclusion.- 4: Production Planning and Control Structure for Automated Manufacturing Systems.- Advanced factory management system.- Automated manufacturing research facility.- Comparison of AFMS and AMRF.- Conclusion.- 5: Factory Level Control.- Financial systems.- Computer aided design.- Process planning.- Master production scheduling I.- Materials requirements planning.- Data output to shop level.- Conclusion.- 6: Shop Level Control.- Master production scheduling II.- On-line scheduling.- Specific data requirements.- Mailbox approaches.- Conclusion.- 7: Cell Level Control.- CCS classification.- What is a cell?.- CCS operational modes.- Conclusion.- 8: Equipment Level Control.- What is meant by equipment?.- Equipment level control structure.- Conclusion.- 9: Conclusion and Future Trends.- Overall production planning and control functions.- Future trends.- Conclusion.- Appendix I: Master Production Scheduling II.- References.
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