
Mathematics for large scale computing

edited by J.C. Díaz

(Lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics, v. 120)

M. Dekker, c1989

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 46



The 830th Meetings of the American Mathematical Society, held in Denton, Texas, October 31 to November 1, 1986

Includes bibliographical references and index



During recent years a great deal of interest has been devoted to large scale computing applications. This has occurred in great part because of the introduction of advanced high performance computer architectures. The book contains survey articles as well as chapters on specific research applications, development and analysis of numerical algorithms, and performance evaluation of algorithms on advanced architectures. The effect of specialized architectural features on the performance of large scale computation is also considered by several authors. Several areas of applications are represented, including the numerical solution of partial differential equations, iterative techniques for large structured problems, the numerical solution of boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations, numerical optimization, and numerical quadrature. Mathematical issues in computer architecture are also presented, including the description of grey codes for generalized hypercubes. The results presented in this volume give, in our opinion, a representative picture of today's state of the art in several aspects of large scale computing.


On the Gauss-Broyden Method for Nonlinear Least-Squares, Parallel Adaptive Algorithms for Multiple Integrals, A Comparison of Hypercube Implementations of Parallel Shooting, An Asymptotic Induced Numerical Method for the Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Equation, The Rate of Convergence of the Modified Method of Characteristics for Linear Advection Equations in One Dimension, A Time-Discretization Procedure for a Mixed Finite Element Approximation of Contamination by Incompressible Nuclear Waste in Porous Media, Implementation of Finite Element Alternating-Direction Methods for Vector Computers Performance of Advanced Scientific Computers for the Efficient Solution of an Elastic Wave Code for Seismic Modeling, Generalized Gray Codes and Their Properties, Nested Block Factorization Preconditioners for Convective-Diffusion Problems in Three Dimensions, Performance of the Chebyshev Iterative Method, GMRES and ORTHOMIN on a Set of Oil-Reservoir Simulation Problems, A Survey of Spline Collocation Methods for the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations

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