AU  - Roberts, Alexander
AU  - Donaldson, James, Sir
AU  - Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland)
AU  - Menzies, Allan
TI  - The Ante-Nicene fathers : translations of the writings of the fathers down to A.D. 325
ET  - American reprint of the Edinburgh ed. / revised and chronologically arranged, with brief prefaces and occasional notes, by A. Cleveland Coxe
PB  - Eerdmans Pub. Co
PB  - T&T Clark
PY  - 1986
EP  - 10 v.
UR  - https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA07500639
SN  - 0802880878
SN  - 0567093743
SN  - 0802880886
SN  - 0567093751
SN  - 0802880894
SN  - 056709376X
SN  - 0802880908
SN  - 0567093778
SN  - 0802880916
SN  - 0567093786
SN  - 0802880924
SN  - 0567093794
SN  - 0802880932
SN  - 0567093808
SN  - 0802880940
SN  - 0567093816
SN  - 0802880959
SN  - 0567093824
SN  - 0802880967
SN  - 0567093832
ER  -