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Data paper
Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Far Eastern Studies, Cornell University
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Southeast Asia Program data paper
Southeast Asia Program data papers
Data paper (Cornell University. Southeast Asia Program)
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Publisher varies: Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Cornell University
- Excavations of the prehistoric iron industry in West Borneo
by Tom Harrisson and Stanley J. O'Connor
UMI Books on Demand 1997 Data paper no. 72
Volume 2
Available at 1 libraries
- Excavations of the prehistoric iron industry in West Borneo
by Tom Harrisson and Stanley J. O'Connor
UMI Books on Demand 1997 Data paper no. 72
Volume 1
Available at 1 libraries
- The Status of social science research in Borneo
edited by G. N. Appell and Leigh R. Wright
UMI Books on demand 1997 Data paper no. 109
Available at 1 libraries
- Isan : regionalism in Northeastern Thailand
by Charles F. Keyes
Dalley Book Service [1988] Cornell Thailand Project interim reports series no. 10 , Data paper no. 65
Available at 1 libraries
- Foreign and domestic consequences of the KMT intervention in Burma
by Robert H. Taylor
Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Cornell University 1973 Data paper no. 93
Available at 7 libraries
- Communicative codes in Central Java
by John U. Wolff and Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo
Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Cornell University c1982 Linguistics series 8 , Data paper no. 116
: pbk
Available at 7 libraries
- The Maniyadanabon of Shin Sandalinka
translated by L.E. Bagshawe
Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University [1981] Data paper no. 115
Available at 8 libraries
- Memoirs of the Four-Foot Colonel
by Smith Dun
Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Cornell University 1980 Data paper no. 113
: pbk
Available at 6 libraries
- Lawyer in the wilderness
by K.H. Digby ; with a preface and notes by R.H.W. Reece
Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Cornell University 1980 Data paper no. 114
: pbk.
Available at 8 libraries
- The development of labor institutions in Thailand
by Bevars D. Mabry
Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Cornell University c1979 Data paper no. 112
Available at 5 libraries
- Cambodia's economy and industrial development
by Khieu Samphan ; translated by Laura Summers
Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Cornell University 1979 Data paper no. 111
Available at 7 libraries
- White Hmong- English dictionary
compiled by Ernest E. Heimbach
Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University 1979 [Revised ed.] Linguistics series 4 , Data paper no. 75
Available at 5 libraries
- Iron man of Laos, Prince Phetsarath Ratanavongsa
by "3349" ; translated by John B. Murdoch ; edited by David K. Wyatt
Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Cornell University 1978 Data paper no. 110
Available at 10 libraries
- The Status of social science research in Borneo
edited by G. N. Appell and Leigh R. Wright
Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Cornell University c1978 Data paper no. 109
Available at 10 libraries
- The devarāja cult
Hermann Kulke ; translated from the German by I. W. Mabbett ; with an introd. by the author and notes on the translation of Khmer terms by J. M. Jacob
Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Cornell University 1978 Data paper no. 108
Available at 7 libraries
- The Philippines in World War II and to independence (December 8, 1941-July 4, 1946) : an annotated bibliography
Morton J. Netzorg
Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Cornell University 1977 Data paper no. 105
Available at 5 libraries
- Communist Party power in Kampuchea (Cambodia) : documents and discussion
compiled and edited, with an introduction by Timothy Michael Carney
Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Cornell University 1977, c1976 Data paper no. 106
Available at 11 libraries
- Research on Thailand in the Philippines : an annotated bibliography of theses, dissertations, and investigation papers
compiled by Sida Chety
Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Cornell University 1977 Data paper no. 107
Available at 6 libraries
- Directory of the Cornell Southeast Asia Program, 1951-1976
compiled by Frank H. Golay and Peggy Lush
Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Cornell University 1976 Data paper no. 103
Available at 10 libraries
- The Thāt Phanom chronicle : a shrine history and its interpretation
edited and translated by James B. Pruess
Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Asian Studies, Cornell University 1976 Data paper no. 104
Available at 6 libraries