Power graphics using Turbo C
Bibliographic Information
Power graphics using Turbo C
Wiley, c1989
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Description and Table of Contents
The power and versatility now possible in graphics programming and the advent of Windows 2.0 and Windows/386, make it one of the hottest topics in computing. This introduction to graphics programming with Turbo C gives users of that popular language all the tools necessary to develop versatile graphics in a wide variety of applications. It includes a complete set of library functions and many practical examples of actual code utilizing Turbo C's special characteristics. The authors explain all the versatile capabilities of the Borland Graphics Interface, including drawing commands, fonts, and text. They also provide the tools for programming 2D and 3D graphics, and for customizing CAD/CAM animation. It will be of interest to intermediate to advanced level programmers writing graphics software with Turbo C.
Table of Contents
The BGI Quick Tour. BGI Drawing Functions. The BGI Fonts and Text. Presentation Graphics. Graphics Techniques in Two-Dimensions. Animation. Creating Mouse Tools. Working with Icons. Pop-Up Windows in Graphics. Interactive Drawing Tools. A Paint Program. A CAD Program. Three-Dimensional Graphics. Index.
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