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The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts
Government Sanskrit Library , To be had of the Superintendent of the Government Press , Vidya Vilas Press , Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, Government Press
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The Princess of Wales Sarasvatī Bhavana texts
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- Bhāskarī
edited by Tribhuvan Prasad Upadhyaya
Lucknow University 1954 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 84
v. 3
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- म० म० सुधाकरद्विवेदिविरचितं चलराशिकलनम् = The chalarāśikalana by M.M. Sudhākara Dvivedi
edited by Baldeva Mishra
Jnanamandal Yantralaya [printing press] 1941-1943 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 80
pt. 1 , pt. 2
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- श्रीमत्सर्वज्ञमुनिविरचितम् संक्षेपशारीरकम् : श्रीमन्नृसिंहाश्रमविरचितया तत्त्वबोधिन्याख्यया टीकया सहितम् = The Saṃkṣepa śārīraka of Sarvajñātma Muni : with Tattvabodhinī of Nr̥siṃha Āśrama
सूर्यनारायणशर्मशुक्लेन संशोधितम् = edited by Sūrya Nārāyaṇa Śukla
Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, Government Press 1939-1941 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 69
4. भागः , 5. भागः
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- श्रीभवदेवविरचितं तौतातितमततिलकम् = The Tautātitamatatilaka by Śrī Bhavadeva
critically edited, with notes, by A. Chinnaswami Sastry, and Pattabhirama Sastri
Govt. Sanskrit Library 1939-1944 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 79
1. भागः , 2. भागः , 3. भागः
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- तत्त्वचिन्तामणिः : प्रत्यक्षखण्डस्य प्रथमं पुटम : श्रीमद्गङ्गेशोपाध्यायविरचितः : श्रीमन्महेशठक्कुरविरचितेन "आलोकदर्पणेन" श्रीमन्मधुसूदनविरचितेन "आलोककण्टकोद्धारेण" च सहितया पक्षधरमिश्रापरनामधेयजयदेवमिश्रविरचितया "आलोक" इति प्रसिद्धया व्याख्यया, प्रगल्भमिश्रविरचितया "प्रगल्भी" इति ख्यातया विवृत्त्या, श्रीसूर्यनारायणशर्मशुक्लप्रणीतया "मिताक्षरा" ख्यया टिप्पण्या च समेतः = The tattva chintāmaṇi by Gaṅgeśopādhyāya
सूर्यनारायणशर्मशुक्लेन संपादितः = edited by Suryanarayan Sharma Shukla
Supt., Print. and Stationery, Govt. Press 1939- The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 78
1. पुटम्
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- सुभद्रापरिणयनम् : नाम छायानाटकम् = The Subhadrā pariṇayanam
by Vyāsa Rāma Deva ; edited for the first time, with introduction etc., by Nārāyaṇa Shastri Khiste
Printed by Vidya Vilas Press 1938 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 77
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- मनोऽनुरञ्जननाटकम्
आपदेवसुतानन्तदेवविरचितं ; फड़केकुलजेनानन्तशास्त्रिणा संशोधितम्
Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, United Provinces 1938 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 76
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- आश्वलायनश्रौतसूत्रम् : सिद्धान्तिभाष्यसहितम् = The Āśvalāyana Śrauta sūtra : with the commentary of Siddhāntin
edited for the first time from original manuscripts, with introduction, critical notes, several appendices and indices by Mangal Deva Shastri
Vidya Vilas Press [printing press] 1938-1955 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 74
1. भागः , 2. भागः
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- श्रीनारायणतीर्थविरचिता भक्तिचन्द्रिका : शाण्डिल्यसूत्रव्याख्या = The Bhakti candrikā (commentary on Śāndilya sūtra) of Nārāyaṇa Tīrtha
फडके-इत्युपाव्हानन्तशास्त्रिणा भूमिकादिभिः परिष्कृत्य संशोधिता = edited with introduction etc. by Anant Shastri Phaḍke
Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, Government Press 1938 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 9
pt. 2
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- द्वैतनिर्णयसिद्धान्तसंग्रहः
श्रीमन्मीमांसक भानुभट्ट प्रणीतः ; न्यायव्याकरणाचार्यमीमांसकशिरोमणि श्रीसूर्यनारायणशुक्ल संपादितः = The dwaīta nirṇaya siddhānta saṅgraha by Bhānu Bhaṭṭa ; edited by Surya Narayan Shukla
Superintendent, Printing and Stationary, Government Press 1937 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 75
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- भक्तिनिर्णयः . नाममाहात्म्यम : वैष्णवकण्ठाभरणीयं
अनन्देवविरचितः . आश्रमस्वामिविरचितं
Eureka Printing Works [printing press] 1937 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 72 (a,
b) Available at 1 libraries
- सांख्यतत्त्वालोकः = The Sāṁkhyatattvāloka
स्वामिहरिहरानन्दारण्यविरचितः ; इत्युपाधिधारिणा यझेश्वर घोषेण सम्णदितः = by Hariharānanda Āraṇya ; edited with an introduction by Jagñeśwar Ghosh
Govt. Press 1936 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 59
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- उपेन्द्रविज्ञानसूत्रम् : स्वोपज्ञभाष्यसहितम् = The Upendra vijñāna sūtra : with the author's own commentary
by Upendra Datta Pandeya ; edited with an introduction by Mangal Deva Shastri ; with a foreword by Gopinath Kaviraj
Superintendent, Printing & Stationery, Government Press 1936 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 73
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- मध्वमुखालङ्कारः = The Madhvamukhālaṅkāra
वनमालिमिश्रविरचितः ; वरखेड नरसिंहाचार्येण संशोधितः = by Vanamāli Miśra ; edited with introduction by Narasinhacharya Varkhedkar
Government Sanskrit Library , Shri Lakshmi Narayan Press [printing press] 1936 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 68
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- त्रिस्लीसेतुः . तीर्थेन्दुशेखरः . काशीमोक्षविचारः = The Tristhali setu . The Tirthendusekhara . The Kasi moksha-vichara
भट्टोजीदीक्षितकृतः . नागेशभट्टकृतः . सुरेश्वराचार्यकृतः = by Bhattoji Dikshita . by Nagesa Bhatta . by Sureswaracharya
Superintendent, Government Printing 1936 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 65-67
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- भक्त्यधिकरणमाला श्रीमन्नारायणतीर्थस्वामिकृता : श्रीमन्महर्षिशाण्डिल्यरचितसूत्रीया = The Bhaktyadhikaranamala of Srimannarayana Tirtha
फडके-इत्युपाख्येनानन्तशास्त्रिणा स्वरचितया संदिग्धार्थप्रकाशिनीसंज्ञकटिप्पण्या संयोज्य संपादितः = edited with the Sandigdhartha Prakasini Commentary, by Ananta Shastri Phadke
[Government Sanskrit Library] 1936 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 63
pt. 1
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- गणित कौमुदी = The ganita kaumudi
नारायणपण्डितकृता ; पद्माकरद्विवेदिना संस्कृता = edited by Padmakara Dvivedi
[Government Sanskrit Library] 1936-1942 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 57
1. भागः , 2. भागः
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- The Vasiṣṭha-Darśanaṃ = वासिष्ठदर्शनम्
compiled from the Yogavāsiṣṭha Rāmāyaṇa and edited with introduction, etc., by B.L. Atreya ; with a foreword by A.B. Dhruva ; and editorial note by the general editor ; [edited by Gopī Nāth Kavirāja]
Supt., Print. and Stationery, Govt. Press 1936 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 64
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- Gaṇitakaumudī = The Gaṇitakaumudī
Nārāyaṇapaṇḍitakṛtā ; Jyotiṣācāryeṇa Paṇḍitapadmākaradvivedinā sampāditā = by Nārāyaṇa Paṇḍita ; edited by Padmākara Dvivedī Jyautishāchārya
Govt. Press 1936-1942 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 57. pt. 1-2
1. bhāgaḥ , 2. bhāgaḥ
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- नृसिंहप्रसादे तीर्थसारः = The Nirsinha [i.e. Nrisinha] prasāda : Tīrtha sāra
दरपतिराज विरचितः ; सूर्यनारायण शुक्लेन संशोधितः = by Dalapati Raja ; edited with introduction, etc. by Sūrya Nārāyaṇa Śukla
Government Sanskrit Library 1936 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 62
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