EPDIC 1 : proceedings of the First European Powder Diffraction Conference held, March 14th - 16th, 1991. in Munich, Germany


EPDIC 1 : proceedings of the First European Powder Diffraction Conference held, March 14th - 16th, 1991. in Munich, Germany

editors, R. Delhez and E. J. Mittemeijer

(Materials science forum, v. 79-82)

Trans Tech Publications, c1991

  • pt.1 :
  • pt.2 :

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2




Materials Science Forum Vols. 79-82


  • The Role of Munich in X-Ray Crystallography and the Development of Powder Diffraction Indexing of Powder Diffraction Patterns Quo Vadis Quantitative Powder Diffraction Phase Analysis Automated Multicomponent Phase Identification using Fuzzy Sets and Inverted Data Base Search XRD as a Tool in Phase-Diagram Imaging Ambiguities in the Interpretation of Powder Patterns Detectability of Phases in Protective Magnetite Thin Film Samples Depth Distribution of Phase Content Reconstruction in Thin Films X-Ray Diffractometry Quantitative Phase Analysis of Textured Materials X-Ray Diffraction Line Profiles due to Real Polycrystals Quality of Unravelling of Experimental Diffraction Patterns with Artificially Varied Overlap PC-Profile Analysis of Peak Clusters in Angle and Energy Dispersive Powder Diffractometry Desummation of Mixed Powder Diffraction Lines A Method for Data Reduction and Optimal Experimental Design in XPD The Method of Synthesizing the Function of the Diffraction Maximum Shape. The Possibility of Applying it for Structural Refinement A Correction for Truncation of Powder Diffraction Line Profiles Comparison of Single- and Multiple-Peak Methods for the Determination of Crystallite Size and Lattice Strain using Pseudo-Voigt Functions X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data Reduction by Integrating the Wilson and the Warren-Averbach Theories Simulation of Diffraction Patterns from Small Bimetallic Crystals with Concentration Gradient X-Ray Stress Analysis Influence of PSI- and OMEGA-Tilting on X-Ray Stress Analysis Non-Destructive Stress Measurement with Depth Resolution Determination of the Misfit and Layer Thickness of Monocrystalline Epitaxial Layers by Means of High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction Preferred Orientation in Powder Diffraction Texture Analysis of Multi-Phase Materials by Neutron Diffraction Extinction in Texture Analysis Method of Scanning of Reciprocal Space of Axial Textures and its Applications to Structural Investigations On the Use of Rietveld Refinements for Structural Studies The Two-Step-Method and its Applications in Crystallographic Problems Sign Determination from Powder Diffraction Data of CuSo4 * 5H2O Fourier Maps Obtained from Powder Diffraction Data - Applications Beyond Pure Illustration Influence of Crystallite Size and Microstain on Structure Refinement Crystal Size Dependent Anisotropic Line Broadening in Rietveld X-Ray Analysis A Theta-Dependent Error Present in Powder Data of Highly Absorbing Materials: A Surface Roughness Effect? Qualitative XRPD Analysis System Qualitative X-Ray Phase Analysis on the Basis of the Calculated Standards Program Package COMPHYS for IBM PC Solution of Nontraditional Problems Based upon PDF-2 Database for Qualitative X-Ray Diffraction Phase Analysis of Natural Materials GUFI-WYRIET: An Integrated PC Powder Pattern Analysis Package MRIA - A Program for a Full Profile Analysis of Powder Neutron-Diffraction Time-of-Flight (Direct and Fourier) Spectra Numerical Refinement of Lattie Parameters: Monoclinic Case Thermal Coefficient of Expansion (TCE)-Program for Calculation of TCE's for Single Crystals of all Systems Database for the Structural Problems of High Temperature Superconductors PULPLOT - A PC Routine for the Graphic Representation and Superimposition of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Patterns New Instrumentation in Powder Diffraction A Powder Diffractometer for Large-Sized Specimens The Quantitative Powder Diffractometer, QPD Imaging the Focus of a Microfocus X-Ray Source with Zone Plates Fluid Cooled Rotating Anode Without Mechanical Feedthrough of the Anode Axis to the Vacuum Diffractometer with a Curved PSD for Analysis of Polycrystalline Microsamples X-Ray Diffractometric Sensors in Commercial Production New Detectors in X-Ray Diffraction Highly Stable Position-Sensitive Detectors for Powder Diffractometry The INEL X-Ray Position Sensitive Detector: A Study of D-Spacing Accuracy and Exposure Time A Two-Dimensional CCD-Based Detector for X-Ray Radiation Analyser and P.S.D.: Energy Resolution Improvement Physical Principles of X-Ray Storage Phosphors Silicon Pin Photodiodes as Detectors with High Dynamical Range for X-Rays A High Resolution Gas Electroluminescent Detector for X-Ray Structure Analysis The Application of a Proportional-Scintillation-Detector in X-Ray Diffractometry Autoradiographic Image Enhancement of Debye-Scherrer Patterns Energy Dispersive XRPD at High Pressure X-Ray Diffractometer for High Pressure and Low Temperatures First Experiments with a Newly Developed High-Pressure/High-Temperature Cell for Neutron Powder Diffraction Low- and High-Temperature Accessories for the D500 Powder Diffractometer A New Attachment for Non-Ambient X-Ray Powder Diffraction Studies in Various Atmospheres A Furnace for X-Ray Powder Diffraction with Synchrotron Radiation Powder Diffraction using Synchrotron Radiation The Use of Debye Scherrer Geometry for High Resolution Powder Diffraction A New Beauty for Adone: A High Resolution Powder Diffractometer for Synchrotron Radiation Experiments Depth Profiling in Thin Films by Grazing Incidence Diffraction using Synchrotron Radiation A New High Resolution Neutron Powder Diffractometer at the Brookhaven High Flux Beam Reactor A New Neutron-Multi-Detector Diffractometer at the Rossendorf-Reactor Status and Horizons of Time-Resolved Neutron Scattering at the Pulsed Reactor IBR-2 Characterization of Epitaxial Thin Films by X-Ray Diffraction Glory and Misery of the Structure Analysis of Thin Polycrystalline Films Applied Crystallography in Advanced Ceramics Neutron Powder Diffraction and Oxide Superconductors Elucidation of Deformation and Recovery Mechanism in Nickel-Base Alloy 600 by X-Ray Rocking Curve Measurements X-Ray Determination of the Martensite Structure in Fe-Ni Base Aged Alloys Changing of the Crystalline Structure of Martensite of High-Nickel Steel at Low Temperature X-Ray Examination of the Ribbon, Prepared by the High Speed Solidification of the Fe-Ni-Co-Ti Alloy X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Secondary Hardening in CrMoV Hot Working Tool Steels X-Ray Study of Annealing Process of Au3Cu, AuCu and AuCu3 at 270 Degrees C in Air XRD Studies on Atomic Ordering of Ni-Cr Based Alloys Structure of Electrodeposited Cu-Cd Alloys After Annealing In Situ Study of Ag Electrode in Contact with a Solid Oxide Electrolyte Structure and Thermal Diffusion in Al/Fe Thin Films and Multilayers On Character and Nature of Size Changes in the Lattice Parameters of Small Metal Particles Structure of Nanocrystalline Soft-Magnetic Materials Application of Grazing Incidence for the Investigation of the High Temperature Corrosion of Steel High Temperature Corrosion Kinetics using a Fast X-Ray Diffraction Method Powder Diffraction Investigation of - and - ' Transformations in an Fe-Mn-C Alloy Crystal Structure of Intermediate Phases in Binary B-Metal Alloys Induced by High Pressure Neutron- and X-Ray Powder Investigation of the Zintl Phases NaTl and LiAl at Temperatures up to 900K A High-Pressure X-Ray Diffraction Study of UAs0.6Se0.4 XRD Characterization of Sputtered Mo and W Thin Films Texture and Lattice Strain Determination of Molybdenum Thin Films Deposited by D.C. Magnetron Sputtering Stress Analysis by X-Ray Diffraction. The Effect of Cementation on the Surface Distribution of Residual Stresses in Alloy Steels Neutron Diffraction Study of Sintering of Aluminium Oxide Solid Way Synthesis of Barium Aluminate. High Temperature X-Rays Diffraction Study of Intermediary Compounds Solving X-Ray Powder Pattern Problems Dealing With Layer Structures in the Field of Calcium Aluminum Hydroxi Salts X-Ray and Neutron Powder Investigations of Pure and Yttrium Doped CeO2 at Temperatures up to 1600 K Phase Studies in the System Chromium-Manganese-Titanium Oxide at Different Oxygen Partial Pressures X-Ray Diffraction of CuS2 under High Pressure Influence of Nd-Substitution on the Orthorhombic/Rhombohedral Phase Transition of LaGaO3 A Temperature-Resolved X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study of the Decomposition of Three Metal Hydroxide Nitrates M5(OH)8(NO3)2.2L (M=Cd,Zn
  • L=H2O, NH3) X-Ray Study of Crystallization Kinetics and Phase Transformations of Zinc- and Cadmium Diphosphide Films The High-Temperature Phase of Zeolite Sr-rho Contracts Appreciably Compared with its Low-Temperature Form The Using of Multiphase Rietveld Refinement in Quantitative Analysis Process-Optimization in Large-Scale Production of Mn-Zn-Ferrites using Powder Diffraction Rietveld Analysis and Quantitative Analysis of Ettringite Formed by Hydration of Lignite Gasification Ash Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction Rietveld Analysis of Low Temperature Coal Ashes The Calcite-Gypsum Conversion in Mortar Joints of Railroad Tunnels - An X-Ray Study The Analysis of Urinary Calculi by X-Ray Diffraction and IR-Spectroscopy Powder Profile Refinement of a Commensurately Modulated Aluminate Sodalite Phase Transitions of the Aluminate Sodalite CAW Crystal and Magnetic Structure of the Magnetically Modulated Spinels Zn1-xGa2x/3Cr2Se4 Where (X=0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5) Spinel Cation Distribution from Powder X-Ray Diffraction. Data Comparison with External-Field 57Fe Moessbauer Spectroscopy at 4.2 K A Neutron Diffraction Study of some Spinel Compounds Containing Octahedral Ni and Mn at a 1:3 Ratio Symmetry of the Ferroelectric Phases of the Pyrochlore Cd2Nb2O7 - A Study using a Very High Resolution Powder Diffractometer at a Synchrotron Radiation Source Production and Characterization of Thin Ferroelectric Lead Zirconate Titanate Films Structural Data of the Monoclinic High-Temperature G-Form of La2Si2O7 from X-Ray Powder Diffraction X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study of Francolite by the Rietveld Method An X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study on Calcium-Lead Hydroxyapatites Rietveld Studies of the Aluminium-Iron Substitution in Synthetic Goethite Powder X-Ray Diffraction Study of Topotactic Lithium Exchange in Manganese (III) Arsenate Hydrate Refinement of the Crystal Structure of Pb2HP3O10 by Rietveld Analysis Ab Initio Structure Determination of Zr(OH)2(NO3)2.5H2O from X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data Characterization of the Natural Zeolite Gonnardite. Structure Analysis of Natural and Cation Exchanged Species by the Rietveld Method Luminescence Properties and X-Ray Diffraction Line Analysis of LaOBr:Tb Texture Analysis of Evaporate Polycrystalline ZnxCd1-xS Thin Films The Phase Composition of ZnO Ceramic Filters for the Desulfurization of Coal Gases in Dependence on their Preparation and the p,t Conditions Temperature Expansion in (La,Sr)(Mn,Co)O3-Cathode Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Characterization of Oxygen-Electrode/Electrolyte Interface Reactions in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells by X-Ray Diffraction Measurements Thermal Behaviour of Molecular Sieves (SAPO-11/AlPO-11 Type) Investigated by Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Diffraction (SRXD) Hydrogen Loss and Interdiffusion in Amorphous Si/SiC Multlayers Observation of Annealing Effects in Ti/TiN-Diffusion Barriers using High-Temperature X-Ray Diffraction Structure of TiN Thin Film Grains in Dependence on their Crystallographic Orientation Heat-Treated NiO and Changes of Microstructural Parameters X-Ray Determination of Characteristics of Finely Dispersed Supports and Supported Catalysts Indexing of New Superconducting Oxide Powder Patterns Stoichiometry and Temperature Dependence of YBa2Cu3Ox Structure Parameters Temperature Dependence of the Lattice Constants of YBa2Cu3O7-x Growth of YBa2Cu3O7-x Thin Films on R-Plane Sapphire (O112) Using Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) Buffer Layers X-Ray Absorption and Reflection in Materials Science Some Sample Preparation Methods for Powder Diffraction at Neste Oy Characterization of Gels and Thin Gel Films by X-Ray Diffraction Methods Transmission Electron Microscopy: An Important Technique for the Determination of the Crystal Structure of Modulated High-Tc Superconductors

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  • ISBN
    • 0878496343
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Aedermannsdorf, Switzerland
  • ページ数/冊数
    2 v.(975 p.)
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 親書誌ID