Physiology of the heart
Bibliographic Information
Physiology of the heart
Raven Press, c1992
2nd ed
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"Order code 2314"--Cover
Includes bibliographical references and index
Description and Table of Contents
Dr. Katz has extensively revised and strategically refocused ths text to incorporate significant new concepts from molecular biology. Whereas the first edition of this text integrated organ physiology and cell biochemistry, the second edition adds a new dimension: regulation of cardiac performance by altered gene expression. Dr. Katz explains how new discoveries on protein structures, membrane structure and function, cell signalling systems, and ion channel structures and behaviour have refined our understanding of cardiac function in health and in diseases such as heart failure, arrhythmias, and ischemic heart disease. The second edition also includes over 100 new illustrations and an expanded, updated bibliography.
Table of Contents
- Structure of the heart and cardiac muscle
- membrane structure and function
- energetics of muscle
- anaerobic and aerobic glycolysis
- oxidative metabolism
- energy utilization (work and heat)
- contractile proteins
- mechanism and control of the cardia contractile process
- series elasticity "active state", length tension relationship and cardiac mechanics
- excitation - contraction coupling - calcium and other ion fluxes across the plasma membrane
- excitation - contraction coupling - calcium and other ion fluxes across the plasma membrane
- excitation - contraction coupling - calcium fluxes across the sarcoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria
- receptors, coupling proteins, and second messengers
- myocardial contractility - force, velocity, length and time
- regulation of myocardial contractility
- the heart as a muscular pump
- the working heart
- indices of myocardial contractility and relaxation
- ion channels of the heart
- the cardiac action potential
- the electrocardiogram
- the arrhythmias 1 - introduction and mechanisms
- the arrhythmias II - conduction abnormalities and block
- the arrhythmias III - premature systoles, tachycardia, flutter and fibrillation
- the ischemic heart
- heart failure.
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