Planning ethically responsible research : a guide for students and internal review boards


Planning ethically responsible research : a guide for students and internal review boards

Joan E. Sieber

(Applied social research methods series, v. 31)

Sage Publications, c1992

  • : cl
  • : pb

大学図書館所蔵 31件 / 31




Bibliography: p. 152-157

Includes indexes



This book provides readers with the practical knowledge needed to plan ethically responsible social and behavioural research. It includes: detailed instructions on development of an effective protocol; methods for handling issues of consent, privacy, confidentiality and deception; ways to assess risk and benefit to optimize research outcomes; and how to respect the needs of vulnerable research populations such as children and the urban poor, including those at risk from HIV infection.


PART ONE: RESEARCH ETHICS AND THE IRB Research Ethics and IRBs The Research Protocol General Ethical Principles of Research on Humans PART TWO: BASIC ETHICAL ISSUES IN SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH Voluntary Informed Consent and Debriefing Privacy Strategies For Assuring Confidentiality Deception Research PART THREE: RISK/BENEFIT ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING Recognizing Elements of Risk Maximizing Benefit PART FOUR: VULNERABLE POPULATIONS Research on Children and Adolescents Community-Based Research on Vulnerable Urban Populations and AIDS PART FIVE: DEVELOPING AN EFFECTIVE HUMAN SUBJECTS PROTOCOL Developing a Research Protocol

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