
Partial differential equations

Joseph Wiener and Jack K. Hale (editors)

(Pitman research notes in mathematics series, 273)

Longman Scientific & Technical , Copublished in the U.S. with J. Wiley, 1992

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 54



"This is the second volume in the proceedings of the International Conference on Theory and Applications of Differential Equations which was held at the University of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg, Texas 78539, U.S.A., on May 15-18 1991" -- Pref

Includes bibliographical references



Features recent results in the theory and practice of PDEs. The papers employ a wide array of deep mathematical theories, and will be of interest to mathematicians, scientists and engineers.


  • The effects of convection on reaction-diffusion equations, J. Anderson
  • minimax results and differential inclusions, G. Auchmuty
  • finding good upper bounds for the best constant in a generalized Hardy Littlewood inequality, R.C. Brown and D.B. Hinton
  • admissible controls in a PDE of lurie type, T.A. Burton
  • quenching for coupled parabolic problems, C.Y. Chan and D.T. Fung
  • existence of solutions and critical lengths for time-periodic semilinear parabolic problems, C.Y. Chan and L. Ke
  • quenching for semilinear Euler-Poisson-Darboux equations, C.Y. Chan and K.K. Nip
  • series of dirac delta functions, R. Estrada
  • the large time pointwise behaviour of linear degenerate hyperbolic systems, H. Gingold and V. Trutzer
  • nonresonance in some semilinear Neumann problems, J.P. Gossez
  • on the Ginzburg-Landau equations of superconductivity, Q. Du, M. Gunzburger and J. Peterson
  • comparison theorems for solutions of one dimensional stochastic and integral equations of Ito's type, J.H. Kim and K.S. Ha
  • applications of quasilinearization to parameter identification in partial differential equations, P.W. Hammer
  • a parameter dependence problem in neutral functional differential equations, D.W. Brewer and T.L. Herdman
  • global asymptotic stability of a second-order difference equation, J.H. Jaroma, V.L.J. Kocic and G. Ladas
  • existence of nonoscillatory solutions for odd order neutral equations, B.S. Lalli and B.G. Zhang
  • exact lyapunov exponents and exponentially separated cocycles, Y. Latushkin
  • optimality conditions for abnormal optimal control problems with additional equality constraints, U. Ledzewicz-Kowalewska
  • eponential dichotomy and stability of long periodic solutions in predator-prey models with diffusion, X.B. Lin
  • stability of travelling waves in free boundary parabolic problems arising as combustion models, A. Lunardi
  • on the w-limit set of solutions of scalar balance laws on S1, A.N. Lyberopoulos
  • triple-shock elementary waves for two-phase incompressible flow in porous media, M. Maesumi
  • existence and uniqueness of solutions to quasilinear elliptic equations, G.N. Hile and C. Matawa
  • an iterative method for the solvability of semilinear equations in Hilbert spaces and applications, A. Fonda and J. Mawhin
  • nonlinear Fredholm theory and applications, P.S. Milojevic
  • activation waves and threshold phenomena in platelet aggregation, V.H. Moll and A.L. Fogelson
  • on the asymptotic bifurcation for a class of wave equations with sublinear nonlinearity, J. Berkovits and V. Mustonen. (Part contents).

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