
Several complex variables in China

Chung-Chun Yang, Sheng Gong, editors

(Contemporary mathematics, v. 142)

American Mathematical Society, c1993

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 53



Includes bibliographical references



Today, there is increasing interest in complex geometry, geometric function theory, and integral representation theory of several complex variables. The present collection of survey and research articles comprises a current overview of research in several complex variables in China. Among the topics covered are singular integrals, function spaces, differential operators, and factorization of meromorphic functions in several complex variables via analytic or geometric methods. Some results are reported in English for the first time.


Complex geometry in China by Z.-H. Chen Biholomorphic mappings in several complex variables by S. Gong Global Lojasiewicz inequality, defect relation and applications of holomorphic curve theory by S. Ji and M. Ru Factorization of meromorphic functions in several complex variables by B. Q. Li and C.-C. Yang Some results on singular integrals and function spaces in several complex variables by J.-H. Shi Some results on the homogeneous Siegel domains in $\mathbb C^n$ by Y. Xu Differential operators and function spaces by Z. Yan Beltrami equation in high dimensions by J. Zhang Singular integrals and integral representations in several complex variables by T. Zhong.

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