Program debugging environments : design and utilization


Program debugging environments : design and utilization

Beatrice Lazzerini, Lanfranco Lopriore

(Ellis Horwood series in interactive information systems)

Ellis Horwood, 1992

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references (p. [203]-209) and index



Aimed at programmers and scientists involved in the design of a program debugging environment, this text is divided into two sections. Part 1 considers a number of aspects of the user interface of an effective program debugging environment, identifying the services which the environment should provide. The authors discuss the identification of program entities, the monitoring of the program activity and the definition of the layout of the debugging experiment. The second section of the text explains how this system can provide adequate support for the different phases of the computer programming process. Program debugging in sequential, shared-variable and message passing concurrent programs and program performance evaluation are examined.


  • Part 1 The design of a program debugging environment: the target program
  • accesses, conditionals, events
  • registers
  • directives. Part 2 The utilization of a program debugging environment: the debugging of sequential programs
  • the debugging of shared-variable concurrent programs
  • the debugging of message-passing concurrent programs
  • the measurement of the program performance.

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