1992 summer school in high energy physics and cosmology, Trieste, Italy, 15 June-31 July, 1992
1992 summer school in high energy physics and cosmology, Trieste, Italy, 15 June-31 July, 1992
(The ICTP series in theoretical physics, v. 9)
World Scientific, c1993
- タイトル別名
High energy physics and cosmology 1992
大学図書館所蔵 15件 / 全15件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Topics covered in this study of high energy physics and cosmology include neutrino physics; W algebras, W gravities and their modular spaces; the nonlinear Schrodinger hierarchy in matrix models, and the ground ring of W3 string.
- Conformal field theories and quantum groups, L. Bonora
- liouville theory and matrix models, E. Gava
- BRST analysis of 2-D gravity, K.S. Narain
- 2-d gravity and 2-D string theory, I. Klebanov
- topological field theory, G. Thompson
- W-gravity and strings, C. Hull
- topological field theories and integrable models, N. Warner
- induced gauge theory at large N, V. Kazakov
- geometry of supersymmetric vacua, C. Vafa
- open string scattering, M. Bershadsky
- black holes and solitons in string theory, A. Sen
- self-duality, supersymmetry and integrable systems, E. Sezgin
- the spectrum of W-string theories, C. Pope
- a class of finite 2-dimensional sigma models and string vacua, A. Tseytlin
- introduction to functional methods, gauge theories and quantization, R. Lengo
- quark mass heirarchies from a universal see-saw mechanism, K.C. Wali
- grand unification - current status and a future perspective, J.C. Pati
- supersymmetric standard model
- Susy Guts, R. Arnowitt
- baryon and lepton number violation in the electroweak model, V. Rubakov
- from atmospheric to solar neutrino oscillations and back, Q. Shafi. (Part contents).
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