Graphics modeling and visualization in science and technology



Graphics modeling and visualization in science and technology

M. Göbel, J.C. Teixeira, (eds)

(Beiträge zur graphischen Datenverarbeitung)

Springer-Verlag, 1993

  • : gw
  • : us

大学図書館所蔵 15件 / 15




Includes bibliographical references and index



This workshop on Graphics Modeling and Visualization in Scientific, Engineering and Technical Applications was held in Darmstadt, Germany, on 13-14 April 1992. Visualization is known as the key technology to control massive data sets and to achieve insight into these tera bytes of data. Graphics Modeling is the enabling technology for advanced interaction. This book contains the keynote papers from three internationally well-known invited speakers and a selection of papers submitted to this workshop. Due to the effective scientific contacts between German and Portuguese researchers, and the results from this cooperation, the workshop was also the 2nd Luso-German Meet- ing on Computer Graphics. The keynote papers present an excellent overview of the main topics of the workshop. Prof. Rae Earnshaw focuses on Scientific Visualization as an inter- disciplinary area of research and application, presenting state of the art concepts and works currently being developed, and the requirements of visualization sys- tems in the 90's. Prof. Frank-Lothar Krause presents Product Modeling as the key for information integration in industry, in particular to support CAD-CAM inte- gration and CIM. Dr. Rolf Iindner introduces the DEDICATED (DEvelopment of a new DImension in Computer Assisted Teaching and EDucation) project, a European DELTA project with a strong involvement of German and Portuguese partners.


Interdisciplinary Techniques, Toolkits and Models for Scientific Visualization.- Strategies and Implementation of Ray-Tracing with Increasing Realism.- Directional Search Algorithms for Visualizing and Mixing Star-Shaped Grids.- The Cone Of Vision: A new Technique for Interactive Scientific Visualization.- Real-Time Visualization of Two-Dimensional Fluid Flow.- Visualization of Flow Simulation Data in Environmental Modeling.- Visualization of Volumetric Flow-Field Data.- Multivariate Modeling of the Dynamics of Charged Particles.- Algorithm Animation of Computational Chains.- Towards an Object-Oriented Kernel for Geometric Modeling.- A Cellular Approach for Feature-Based Modeling.- Issues on Feature-Based Design Using a Hierarchical Data Scheme.- Product Modeling: An Approach for Integrated Information Processing.- Direct Graphic User Interaction with Modelers Based on Constructive Solid Geometry.- Constructing Free-Form Surfaces for Milling from Digitized Data.- Visual Simualtion of the Geodesic and Non-Geodesic Trajectories of the Filament Winding.- Cooperative Street-Lighting Simulation by Multi-Disciplinary Users.- A CAD-Based System for Air-Conditioning in Buildings.- Language Support for Raster Image Manipulation in Databases.- DEDICATED-Development and Installation of a Common Architecture for Europe-Wide Computer-Based Education and Training.

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