Subtypes of depression and comorbid disorders


Subtypes of depression and comorbid disorders

edited by J. John Mann and David J. Kupfer

(The Depressive illness series, vol. 4 . Biology of depressive disorders ; pt. B)

Plenum Press, c1993

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references and index



This volume is the fourth in a series on depressive illness. The first volume, entitled Phenomenology of Depressive Illness, is devoted to a de- scription of depressive illness from a variety of perspectives that include that of the patient, the clinician, and the psychiatric researcher. It de- scribes the major subtypes of depressive illness and places them in the context of the life cycle. The second volume in this series is entitled Models of Depres- sive Disorders: Psychological, Biological, and Genetic Perspectives. This volume describes several major models of depressive disorders, in- cluding genetic, cognitive, interpersonal, intrapsychic, and neurobio- logical models. The third and fourth volumes deal with the biology of affective disorders in detail. These volumes are distinguished by a triaxial ap- proach. In Volume III the biology of affective disorders is described from the perspective of individual transmitter systems and neurophysio- logic and biologic processes. In Volume IV the biology of depression is addressed from the vantage point of symptom components of de- pression, and similarities and differences in the biology of depression are described compared to other psychiatric disorders with clini- cally overlapping features such as anxiety disorders or eating disor- ders. The effects on biology of comorbid conditions such as anxiety, personality disorders, alcoholism, and eating disorders are reviewed.


  • Subtypes of Depression: Biology of Bipolar Disorder
  • A.C. Swann. The Biology of Depression in Children and Adolescents
  • N.D. Ryan, R.E. Dahl. The Biology of Late Life Depression
  • C.B. Nemeroff, et al. The Biology of Chronic Depression
  • J.H. Kocsis. Biological Relationships of Comorbid Disorder: The Biology of Personality Disorders
  • O. Kalus, L.J. Siever. Depression in Alcoholism
  • A. Roy, M. Linnoila. Serotonin and Norepinephrine Activity in Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa
  • W.H. Kaye, et al. The Biology of Panic Disorder
  • J.D. Coplan, et al. Index.

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