The medieval Mediterranean : peoples, economies and cultures, 400-1453
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The medieval Mediterranean : peoples, economies and cultures, 400-1453
editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.]
E.J. Brill
- Other Title
The medieval Mediterranean : peoples, economies and cultures, 400-1500
The medieval Mediterranean : peoples, economies and cultures
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- Coinage and money in medieval Greece 1200-1430
by Julian Baker
Brill c2021 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 124 v. 2 : hardback
Available at 5 libraries
- Coinage and money in medieval Greece 1200-1430
by Julian Baker
Brill c2021 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 124 v. 1 : hardback
Available at 5 libraries
- Healers in the making : students, physicians, and medical education in medieval Bologna (1250-1550)
by Kira Robison
Brill c2021 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 126 : hardback
Available at 3 libraries
- Metaphrasis : a Byzantine concept of rewriting and its hagiographical products
edited by Stavroula Constantinou, Christian Høgel ; with the assistance of Andria Andreou
Brill c2021 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 125 : hardback
Available at 6 libraries
- La diplomatie byzantine, de l'Empire romain aux confins de l'Europe (Ve-XVe s.) : actes de la Table-Ronde 《Les relations diplomatiques byzantines (Ve-XVe siècle) : permanences et/ou changements》, XXIIIe Congrès international des études byzantines - Belgrade, août 2016
édités par Nicolas Drocourt, Élisabeth Malamut
Brill c2020 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 123 : hardback
Available at 5 libraries
- Cultures of empire : rethinking Venetian rule, 1400-1700 : essays in honour of Benjamin Arbel
edited by Georg Christ, Franz-Julius Morche
Brill c2020 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 122 : hardback
Available at 5 libraries
- Byzantium in the time of troubles : the continuation of the Chronicle of John Skylitzes (1057-1079)
introduction, translation, and notes by Eric McGeer ; prosopographical index and glossary of terms by John W. Nesbitt
Brill c2020 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 120 : hardback
Available at 7 libraries
- Warriors, martyrs, and dervishes : moving frontiers, shifting identities in the land of Rome (13th-15th centuries)
by Buket Kitapçı Bayrı
Brill c2020 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 119 : hardback
Available at 5 libraries
- Transmitting and circulating the Late Antique and Byzantine worlds
edited by Mirela Ivanova, Hugh Jeffery
Brill c2020 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 118 : hardback
Available at 5 libraries
- Trends and turning points : constructing the late antique and Byzantine world
edited by Matthew Kinloch, Alex MacFarlane
Brill c2019 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 117 : hardback
Available at 7 libraries
- Byzantium in dialogue with the Mediterranean : history and heritage
edited by Daniëlle Slootjes, Mariëtte Verhoeven
Brill c2019 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 116 : hardback
Available at 6 libraries
- The horoscope of Emperor Baldwin II : political and sociocultural dynamics in Latin-Byzantine Constantinople
by Filip Van Tricht
Brill c2019 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 114 Available at 5 libraries
- Crusading in art, thought and will
edited by Matthew E. Parker, Ben Halliburton, Anne Romine
Brill c2019 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 115 : hardback
Available at 4 libraries
- The concept of the elect nation in Byzantium
by Shay Eshel
Brill c2018 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 113 : hardback
Available at 5 libraries
- Conflict, commerce, and an aesthetic of appropriation in the Italian maritime cities, 1000-1150
by Karen Rose Mathews
Brill c2018 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 112 : hardback
Available at 4 libraries
- Venice and its neighbors from the 8th to 11th century : through renovation and continuity
edited by Sauro Gelichi, Stefano Gasparri
Brill c2018 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 111 : hardback
Available at 6 libraries
- Mattʿēos Uṙhayecʿi and his chronicle : history as apocalypse in a crossroads of cultures
by Tara L. Andrews
Brill c2017 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 108 Available at 2 libraries
- Caring for the living soul : emotions, medicine and penance in the late medieval Mediterranean
by Naama Cohen-Hanegbi
Brill c2017 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 110 : hardback
Available at 4 libraries
- The Benefits of peace : private peacemaking in late medieval Italy
by Glenn Kumhera
Brill c2017 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 109 : hardback
Available at 3 libraries
- Montfort : history, early research and recent studies of the principal fortress of the Teutonic order in the Latin East
edited by Adrian J. Boas ; with the assistance of Rabei G. Khamisy
Brill c2017 The medieval Mediterranean : peoples,
economies and cultures, 400-1453 / editors, Michael Whitby ... [et al.] v. 107 : [pbk.]
Available at 4 libraries