Department of the Interior, Bureau of Education
Description based on 1908, no. 1
Statement of responsibility slightly varies, 1929, no. 31-: United States. Dept. of the Interior. Office of Education
July 1939-: United States Office of Education has been a part of the Federal Security Agency
April 1953-: United States Office of Education has been a part of the Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare
- Digest of educational statistics
Division of Educational Statistics, Bureau of Educational Research and Development
G.P.O. 1962- Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1963, no.10, 43 1962 , 1963 edition
- Publications of the office of education
prepared by Beryl Parke ; under the direction of Melvin L. Hayes
U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education 1961 Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 7 1961
- Rural renaissance, revitalizing small high schools
Edmund A. Ford
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 11 所蔵館1館
- Higher education in the Philippines
by Arthur L. Carson
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 29 所蔵館1館
- Science equipment and materials for elementary schools : suggestions for supervisors administrators and teachers
by Albert Piltz
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 28 所蔵館1館
- International educational exchange : a selected bibliography
prepared by Thomas E. Cotner
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 27 所蔵館1館
- Graduate education : an annotated bibliography
prepared by James H. Blessing
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 26 所蔵館1館
- Guidance for the underachiever with superior ability
edited by Leonard M. Miller
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 25 所蔵館1館
- Modern foreign languages in high school : the language laboratory
by Joseph C. Hutchinson
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 23 所蔵館1館
- Education of the severely retarded child : classroom programs
prepared by Harold M. Williams
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 20 所蔵館1館
- Literacy and basic elementary education for adults : a selected annotated bibliography
by Betty Arnett Ward ; under the general direction of Edward Warner Brice
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 19 所蔵館1館
- Industrial arts : an analysis of 39 state curriculum guides, 1953-1958
Marshall L. Schmitt, Paul E. Harrison, Albert L. Pelley
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 17 所蔵館1館
- The three-two plan of engineering education
by Henry H. Armsby
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 15 所蔵館1館
- Adventures in learning : frontiers past sixty in Hamilton, Ohio : a study of Hamilton's center for older people
by Milton C. Cummings, Muriel M. Allen and Karl Hess
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 13 所蔵館1館
- Requirements for high school graduation in states and large cities
by Grace S. Wright
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 12 所蔵館1館
- Inservice education of high school mathematics teachers : report of a conference under the joint auspices of the U. S. Department of Health, Educatinon, and Welfare and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington, March 17-19, 1960
report prepared by Kenneth E. Brown and Daniel W. Snader
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 10 所蔵館1館
- The college presidency, 1900-1960 : an annotated bibliography
Walter Crosby Eells and Ernest V. Hollis
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 9 所蔵館1館
- Careers in engineering mathematics science and related fields : a selected bibliography
by A. Neal Shedd, Anita K. Scott and James M. McCullough
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 8 所蔵館1館
- Education of the adult migrant
by Edward Warner Brice
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 6 所蔵館1館
- Offerings and enrollments in science and mathematics in public high schools 1958
by Kenneth E. Brown and Ellsworth S. Obourn
In-house reproduction [manufacture] Bulletin / Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Education 1961, no. 5 所蔵館1館