Islamic history and civilization
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Islamic history and civilization
E.J. Brill
- Other Title
Arab history and civilization
Islamic history and civilization : studies and texts
Islam history and civilization : studies and texts
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Formerly Arab history and civilization
Edited by Ulrich Haarmann
Edirorial Board, Hinrich Biesterfeldt, Sebastian Günther
- Ideas in motion in Baghdad and beyond : philosophical and theological exchanges between Christians and Muslims in the third/ninth and fourth/tenth centuries
edited by Damien Janos
Brill c2016 Islamic history and civilization . Studies and texts ; v. 124
: hardback
Available at 9 libraries
- Locating Hell in Islamic traditions
edited by Christian Lange
Brill c2016 Islamic history and civilization v. 119
: hardback
Available at 8 libraries
- The book of noble character : critical edition of Makārim al-akhlāq wa-maḥāsin al-ādāb wa-badāʾiʿ al-awṣāf wa-gharāʾib al-tashbīhāt, attributed to Abū Manṣūr al-Thaʿālibī (d. 429/1039)
by Bilal Orfali, Ramzi Baalbaki
Brill c2015 Islamic history and civilization . Studies and texts ; v. 120
: hardback
Available at 1 libraries
- The book of noble character : critical edition of Makārim al-akhlāq wa-maḥāsin al-ādāb wa-badāʾiʿ al-awṣāf wa-gharāʾib al-tashbīhāt, attributed to Abū Manṣūr al-Thaʿālibī (d. 429/1039)
by Bilal Orfali, Ramzi Baalbaki
Brill c2015 Islamic history and civilization . Studies and texts ; v. 120
: hardback
Available at 4 libraries
- Gender and Muslim constructions of exegetical authority : a rereading of the classical genre of Qurʾān commentary
by Aisha Geissinger
Brill c2015 Islamic history and civilization v. 117
: hardback
Available at 4 libraries
- De la figuration humaine au portrait dans l'art islamique
sous la direction de Houari Touati
Brill c2015 Islamic history and civilization . Studies and texts ; v. 116
: hardback
Available at 5 libraries
- An Arabic musical and socio-cultural glossary of Kitāb al-aghānī
by George Dimitri Sawa
Brill 2015 Islamic history and civilization . Studies and texts ; v. 110
: hardback
Available at 7 libraries
- Henry George Farmer and the First International Congress of Arab Music (Cairo 1932)
by Israel J. Katz ; with the collaboration of Sheila M. Craik ; and a foreword by Amnon Shiloah
Brill c2015 Islamic history and civilization v. 115
: hardback
Available at 6 libraries
- From Bāwīṭ to Marw : documents from the medieval Muslim world
edited by Andreas Kaplony, Daniel Potthast, Cornelia Römer
Brill c2015 Islamic history and civilization v. 112
: hardback
Available at 6 libraries
- Books and written culture of the Islamic world : studies presented to Claude Gilliot on the occasion of his 75th birthday = Islamicae litterae : scripta Claudio Gilliot septuagesimum quintum diem natalem celebranti dicata
edited by Andrew Rippin and Roberto Tottoli
Brill c2015 Islamic history and civilization v. 113
: hardback
Available at 6 libraries
- Islamic cultures, Islamic contexts : essays in honor of Professor Patricia Crone
edited by Behnam Sadeghi ... [et al.]
Brill c2015 Islamic history and civilization v. 114
: hardback
Available at 7 libraries
- Documents and the history of the early Islamic world
edited by Alexander T. Schubert, Petra M. Sijpesteijn
Brill c2015 Islamic history and civilization v. 111
: hardback
Available at 10 libraries
- Al-Māturīdī and the development of Sunnī theology in Samarqand
by Ulrich Rudolph ; translated by Rodrigo Adem
Brill c2015 Islamic history and civilization v. 100
: hardback
Available at 11 libraries
- Material evidence and narrative sources : interdisciplinary studies of the history of the Muslim Middle East
edited by Daniella Talmon-Heller and Katia Cytryn-Silverman
Brill c2015 Islamic history and civilization v. 108
: hardback
Available at 8 libraries
- Fünfundzwanzig arabische Geschäftsdokumente aus dem Rotmeer-Hafen al-Quṣayr al-Qadīm (7./13. Jh.) (P.QuseirArab. II)
Edition, Übersetzung und Kommentar von Andreas Kaplony
Brill c2014 Islamic history and civilization v. 109
: hardback
Available at 4 libraries
- The raven and the falcon : youth versus old age in medieval Arabic literature
by Hasan Shuraydi
Brill c2014 Islamic history and civilization v. 107
: hardback
Available at 4 libraries
- Early Ibāḍī theology : six kalām texts
by ʿAbd Allāh b. Yazīd al-Fazārī ; edited by Abdulrahman al-Salimi, Wilferd Madelung
Brill c2014 Islamic history and civilization v. 106
: hardback
Available at 6 libraries
- Unity in diversity : mysticism, messianism and the construction of religious authority in Islam
edited by Orkhan Mir-Kasimov
Brill 2014 Islamic history and civilization v. 105
: hardback
Available at 10 libraries
- Mysticism and philosophy in al-Andalus : Ibn Masarra, Ibn al-ʿArabī and the Ismāʿīlī tradition
by Michael Ebstein
Brill 2014 Islamic history and civilization Studies and texts ; v. 103
: hardback
Available at 6 libraries
- Al-Ḥīra : eine arabische Kulturmetropole im spätantiken Kontext
von Isabel Toral-Niehoff
Brill 2014 Islamic history and civilization Studies and texts ; v. 104
: hardback
Available at 4 libraries