Toward scientifically based prevention Verso una prevenzione scientificamente orientata


Toward scientifically based prevention = Verso una prevenzione scientificamente orientata

editors, Francesco Bruno, Maria Elena Andreotti, Mario Brunetti ; preface, Ugo Leone = a cura di Francesco Bruno, Maria Elena Andreotti, Mario Brunetti ; prefazione di Ugo Leone

(Publication, no. 41)

UNICRI, c1990


Stop droga

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



English and Italian

At head of title: Stop droga

Title on added t.p., inverted: Verso una prevenzione scientificamente orientata

"Proceedings of the international seminar organized by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute--UNICRI and the Istituto internazionale di studi e informazione sanitaria--ISIS, under the aegis and the support of the Italian National Research Council, Rome 27 June 1990."

"[Issued] on the occasion of the Third International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking"--P. i

Issued back-to-back, head-to-toe

Includes bibliographical references

"UN sales no.: E.90.III.N.5"--P. facing t.p

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